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  • How Much Journalists and Editors Earn in Belarus Regions

    Baj.by has viewed vacancies and salary offers in regional state and non-state mass media.

    Salaries in state region­al mass media

    Judg­ing by the Nation­al Bank of Vacan­cies of the State Employ­ment Ser­vice, the stan­dard and at the same time the min­i­mal salary for jour­nal­ists in dis­trict news­pa­pers com­pris­es 265 BYN*. For exam­ple, such salary is offered for a staff jour­nal­ist at Per­amo­ha paper, Dzi­at­la­va town.

    What is more impres­sive: many local papers want to find a jour­nal­ist part-time, for 132 rubles. For exam­ple, Petrykauskiya Naviny.

    And Haradot­s­ki Ves­nik and Chacher­s­ki Ves­nik are ready to pay the same part-time 132 rubles to (!) edi­tors of web resources. A bit stand­ing-out local resource is Ostro­vet­skaya Prav­da: in the region with aris­ing BelAES, a new nuclear pow­er plant, a jour­nal­ist is offered to get paid 316 BYN.

    The region­al news­pa­per Viteb­skiye Vesti is look­ing for a cor­re­spon­dent to work for 318 BYN.

    Slight­ly more is offered to edi­tors of local press. Savet­skaya Vyos­ka (Dry­bin) is look­ing for an edi­tor of agri­cul­ture depart­ment for 289 BYN. Iuyeus­ki Kray  is look­ing for an edi­tor for 312 BYN. At this back­ground, the vacan­cy for Polymya (Kare­lichy) is remark­able – the chief editor’s deputy is want­ed for 480 BYN.

    Salaries in non-state region­al mass media  

    As we were told in one non-state news­pa­per of the Brest region, an aver­age jour­nal­ist earns from 500 BYNs a month. With try­ing hard, you can earn 600–700 rubles and more.

    A non-state news­pa­per of the Min­sk region offers a salary for jour­nal­ists start­ing from 400 BYN. Those will­ing and able to work over­time can aspire for 500–600 BYN a month.

    The Inter­net resource belnovosti.by pub­lished a vacan­cy for jour­nal­ist-copy­writer with a salary start­ing from 430 BYN. An advan­tage is work from home and the require­ment is at least one year work expe­ri­ence.

    *Note: 1 $ = 1.942 BYN, 1 € = 2.274 BYN.

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