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  • The host of the “Frankly Speaking” program left Belarus for security reasons. Now her relatives are being persecuted

    The host of “Frankly Speaking” TV show on Belsat TV Arina Malinovskaya left Belarus because of possible persecution by the Belarusian authorities. But now her relatives are also in danger.

    Jour­nal­ist Ari­na Mali­nouskaya was called by the inves­ti­ga­tor via Telegram from the num­ber of her sister’s hus­band Valyantsin Kucharen­ka and said that he and his friend were detained, and now they are plan­ning to detain her grand­par­ents – Valyantsi­na and Ana­tol Mali­nous­ki.

    Ari­na was also told that her rel­a­tives would be kept until she came to the Lenin­s­ki Dis­trict Depart­ment of Inter­nal Affairs.

    Lat­er in the evening, the sister’s hus­band said that he had been released but there is still no con­tact with him.

    In the evening of May 21, secu­ri­ty offi­cers came to the apart­ment where Mali­nouskaya lived tem­porar­i­ly. In addi­tion, the host of “Frankly Speak­ing” is sought through rel­a­tives and acquaintances.After one of the pro­grams about secu­ri­ty offi­cers, for­mer police­men Yahor Emelyanau and Dzmit­ry Kulak­ous­ki, who came to Belsat’s stu­dio in Min­sk, were detained. Also a few days lat­er they came to the stu­dio, where they are shoot­ing the pro­gram “Each of Us”. There were tech­ni­cal staff at the stu­dio, who were even­tu­al­ly detained and charged with vio­lat­ing the Law on Mass Media (Arti­cle 23.5 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code).

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