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  • Hazeta Slonimskaya reporter Yazep Palubiatka does not return from questioning. His apartment is searched

    On Monday, March 22, Masty reporter of Hazeta Slonimskaya Yazep Palubiatka was summoned for questioning by the police. He entered the police station at 11 a.m. He did not return home that day.

    Yazep entered the police sta­tion at 11 a.m., and already at oon the police arrived to his apart­ment with a search war­rant. They had a search war­rant signed by a pros­e­cu­tor.

    The police offi­cers brought two wit­ness­es for the search — peo­ple on a short-term arrest.  They looked through the papers, books, and mag­a­zines. They seized a com­put­er, a cell phone that my hus­band had left at home, a scan­ner, and a cam­era. When I asked if my hus­band would come back home, they told me that he would. In the evening I called the duty offi­cer and asked where my hus­band was, and he said that Yazep would have to spend the night at the police sta­tion. He said noth­ing more. Appar­ent­ly, there will be a tri­al tomor­row, oth­er­wise they would have let him go. But why? What did he do? They don’t say any­thing, — Larysa, Yazep’s wife told BAJ.

    The sum­mons for ques­tion­ing did not indi­cate the grounds for Palu­bi­atka’s ques­tion­ing.  .

    Cap­tain Sivets explained ver­bal­ly that it was about Palu­bi­atka’s pub­li­ca­tions in telegrams chan­nels. Yazep Palu­bi­at­ka insists, he had nev­er writ­ten any­thing in Telegram, he did not even have a Telegram mes­sen­ger installed on his phone and com­put­er.

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