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  • Free Word Winners Announced

    On May 7, the jury of the creative contest for journalists Volnaye Slova (Free Word)  announced the names of the winners; the awarding ceremony is held traditionally at the beginning of May, dedicated to the Press Freedom Day.


    Lukashuk Zmitser (Euro­ra­dio, euroradio.fm). Euro­ra­dio helps free 8 cap­tive Ukrain­ian sol­diers

    Lidziya Mikheye­va (Belarusskiy Zhur­nal, journalby.com). War: cute and not scary (Ru)

    Pankavets Zmitser (Nasha Niva, nn.by).  Fed up with the police’s state (By)



    Pavel Sviard­lou (Timer Mag­a­zine, timermag.by). Linked with one chain (Ru)

    Iosif Siaredzich (Nar­o­d­naya Volya, nv-online.info). We miss them (By)

    Seviary­na Kvi­atk­ous­ki (Belarusskiy Zhur­nal, journalby.com). Moscow war opened up Belaru­sians (By)



    Zmitser Halko (Novy Chas, novychas.info). Kiborgs are guys from the next door yard (By)

    Aleh Hardziyen­ka (Nasha Niva, nn.by). Orsha Bat­tle of 1514. A report from the bat­tle­field (By)

    Tat­siana Matsveye­va, Viteb­sk (Tut.by). Through camps and elec­troshock. How patri­ots sac­ri­ficed their young years and health for Belarus in 1940 (By)



    Yahor Martsi­novich (Nasha Niva, nn.by). Drazdy №2: full list of offi­cials who got the land of val­ue $10 mil­lion

    Vol­ha Dek­s­nis  (Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da v Belarusi, kp.by). How I worked as a wait­ress in a Viet­namese cafe Saigon (Parts Частка 1, Частка 2, Частка 3, Частка 4, Частка 5, Частка 6).

    Ale­na Spa­siuk (Bela­PAN, naviny.by).  «Gold­en» punch­es installed in the pub­lic trans­port of Min­sk



    Raman Ste­fa­nen­ka, Krychau / Min­sk (90s.by – mul­ti­me­dia his­to­ry project). White Legion Cre­at­ed

    Vol­ha Shyrakast­up, Baranavichy (Intex-press, intex-press.by). Teach­ers get to be free builders, social work­ers and accoun­tants at a time.

    Nas­tas­sia Rou­da, Mal­adzech­na  (Rehiyanal­naya Haze­ta, rh.by). Shoot­ing of Jews in Val­ozhyn. Wit­ness­es talk


    The jury:

    Andrei Skurko

    Ali­ak­san­dr Staryke­vich

    Anzhela Belush

    Ana­tol Huli­ayeu

    Max­im Zhbank­ou

    Andrei Ali­ak­san­drau

    Yuras Kar­manau, pres­i­dent of the jury

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