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  • Founder of 1863x Blog Faces Five Years in Prison

    The Investigative Committee published some details of the case of John Silver (Eduard Palchys) who has been extradited from Russia and is prosecuted for inciting hatred.

    Зьняволены актывіст Эдуард Пальчыс, вядомы як Jhon Silver, стваральнік блога 1863x

    In an inter­view to the Radio Svabo­da, the spokesper­son of the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee Yuliya Han­charo­va told that Eduard Palchys, 25 year old res­i­dent of the Hrod­na region, has been charged with crim­i­nal art. 130, part 1 (incit­ing racial, nation­al or reli­gious hatred) and art. 434, part 2 (spread­ing pornog­ra­phy mate­ri­als). The for­mer envis­ages an arrest of up to 6 months or depri­va­tion of free­dom for up to 5 years. The lat­ter envis­ages free­dom restric­tions from 2 to 4 years.

    A foren­sic exam­i­na­tion proves that the mate­ri­als pub­lished on the web­site www.1863x.com con­tained mate­ri­als incit­ing nation­al hatred and images of porno­graph­ic char­ac­ter. Ini­tial­ly, John Sil­ver had been under recog­ni­zance, but then he fled Belarus, and was intro­duced to want­ed inter­na­tion­al list. After that, he was arrest­ed in Rus­sia and extra­dit­ed. Cur­rent­ly, he is under arrest.

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