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  • First trial in ‘Tsikhanouski case’ starts in Belarus

    Political prisoner, author of YouTube channel “Slutsk for Life,” Uladzimir Nyaronski is standing trial in Lahoisk. This is the first trial in the “Tsikhanouski case,” reports Spring96.org

    Polit­i­cal pris­on­er Uladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki is accused of orga­niz­ing “ille­gal pub­lic events” all over Belarus; he is charged under Part 1 Arti­cle 342 (“Orga­ni­za­tion and prepa­ra­tion of actions, seri­ous­ly vio­lat­ing pub­lic order, or active par­tic­i­pa­tion in them”). In addi­tion, the author of YouTube chan­nel “Slut­sk for Life” is accused of pub­licly insult­ing the chair­man of Slut­sk Dis­trict Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee Andrei Yancheus­ki (Arti­cle 369 of the Crim­i­nal Code “Insult­ing a pub­lic offi­cer”). The case of Uladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki is heard by the head of Lahoisk dis­trict court Alyak­san­dr Rybak­ou.

    Inves­ti­ga­tors believe that­U­ladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki is an activist of the “Coun­try for Life” and that he alleged­ly met with Syarhei Tsikhanous­ki on 2 Feb­ru­ary last year, with whom he dis­trib­uted the roles in the crime.

    At the tri­al Uladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki said that while run­ning the youtube chan­nel he was threat­ened with impris­on­ment by KGB offi­cers. And he called his deten­tion in the cell a tor­ture.

    “I spent 252 days in jail. I spent 60 days in soli­tary con­fine­ment. I show­ered 21 times dur­ing this time. I was moved 12 times, had 24 full search­es, spent 5 days in the open air. I went through 50 courts, 90 pris­on­ers. To live in the same house with thugs and remain human… In those 252 days I nev­er regret­ted going to prison. I apol­o­gize to Mr. Yancheus­ki, I was in fact wrong.

    Prison is good for a man, but after six months a man gets used to prison and he con­sid­ers it his sec­ond home. After six months a per­son for­gets about free­dom at all. It is use­less to scare me with prison, I don’t want these tri­als to con­tin­ue. I’m not afraid of prison. I just want to ask my rel­a­tives for for­give­ness.

    There is no heat­ing in my TDF. We shave our heads so we don’t get lice. In Akrestsi­na they kept me for three days in a spe­cial cell, where I was eat­en by bed­bugs. This is done with polit­i­cal pris­on­ers. We are already rolling into the abyss, this is wrong,” said Uladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki.

    Uladz­imir Nyaron­s­ki was detained on May 6, 2020 near Min­sk. On May 8th , the Kas­trych­nit­s­ki Dis­trict Court of Mahil­iou sen­tenced Nyaron­s­ki under Arti­cle 23.34 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code to 10 days of admin­is­tra­tive arrest. He was not released after that. On 17 June it was report­ed that Uladz­imir Nyaaron­s­ki was placed in deten­tion cen­ter #1 in Val­adars­ki street of Min­sk as part of the crim­i­nal “Tsikhanous­ki case”.

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