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  • Final ruling: Court confiscates Belsat TV equipment seized over trademark case

    The case of Belsat TV ‘illegal use of the Belsat trademark’ got unexpected continuation.

    On Tuesday Pershamayski District court in Minsk ruled to confiscate some equipment that was seized from Belsat TV during the search in March (two computer processing units, two monitors, two disk drives, a laptop and a video camera ). The verdict was delivered by judge Anastasiya Papko.


    In addi­tion, the judge imposed a fine of BYN 980 rubles on cam­era­man Ales Liu­bianchuk for the ille­gal use of the Bel­sat trade­mark.

    “I think every­thing is clear: it is not about copy­right abuse, it is about free­dom of speech and cen­sor­ship,” Liu­bianchuk com­ment­ed on the ver­dict.

    The cam­era­man man­aged to get back his per­son­al belong­ings – a Go Pro cam­era and a pho­to­cam­era which were also seized in the spring of 2017. Law enforce­ment offi­cers failed to prove that Liu­bianchuk used them when con­tribut­ing to Bel­sat TV.

    The case about the Bel­sat trade­mark has last­ed for about five years. Accord­ing to the BEL­SAT­plus com­pa­ny own­er, our chan­nel has vio­lat­ed the inter­ests of his busi­ness. The busi­ness­man appealed to the Supreme Court of Belarus, but it did not sat­is­fy his demands.

    Then BEL­SAT­plus com­pa­ny own­er tried to ban our chan­nel from using the Bel­sat TV trade­mark. At first, the Supreme Court dis­missed the claims.

    The re-exam­i­na­tion of the case was ini­ti­at­ed by the Pre­sid­i­um of the Supreme Court, and the case was heard by anoth­er pan­el of judges. On Sep­tem­ber 4, 2014, the court grant­ed the appeal of Andrey Belyak­ou and banned our chan­nel from using the “Bel­sat TV” trade­mark for broad­casts on the ter­ri­to­ry of Belarus and on the web page.

    In 2017, Belyak­ou filed anoth­er com­plaint against Bel­sat TV.

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