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  • Ex-journalist and political prisoner Siarhei Hardziyevich redetained

    Hardziyevich was detained on 24 January and is accused of distributing, producing, and storing information products that contain calls to conduct extremist activity. No further details are available at this time.

    Siarhei Hardziye­vich worked for the Pier­shy Rehi­jon online pub­li­ca­tion until his deten­tion in late 2020. He was charged with insult­ing a pub­lic offi­cer, dis­sem­i­nat­ing false and humil­i­at­ing infor­ma­tion (slan­der) that con­tained accu­sa­tions of com­mit­ting a seri­ous crime, and pub­licly insult­ing the Pres­i­dent of the Repub­lic of Belarus.

    Before the tri­al, Siarhei Hardziye­vich was under house arrest. On 2 August 2021, he was sen­tenced to 1 year and 6 months of impris­on­ment, which result­ed in the human rights com­mu­ni­ty rec­og­niz­ing him as a polit­i­cal pris­on­er. The jour­nal­ist com­plet­ed the sen­tence on 27 Octo­ber 2022.

    Some weeks after, he was added to the list of ‘extrem­ists’.

    In Sep­tem­ber of last year, Siarhei Hardziye­vich was detained at the Brest check­point while return­ing from Poland to Belarus. At the bor­der, author­i­ties decid­ed to inspect the for­mer journalist’s cell phone and sub­se­quent­ly charged him with stor­ing ‘extrem­ist’ con­tent. As a result, Siarhei Hardziye­vich was sen­tenced to 15 days of admin­is­tra­tive deten­tion.

    Read more:

    Aksana Yuchkavich, a former journalist for catholic.by, detained

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