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  • Convicted journalist Katsiaryna Andrejeva sentenced again for “treason”

    Journalist Katsiaryna Andrejeva was found guilty of “treason against the state” and sentenced to eight years in jail, reports the Human Rights Center “Viasna”. The trial was held in the Homel Regional Court in camera.

    In Feb­ru­ary 2021, Kat­siary­na Andreje­va, a jour­nal­ist with the Bel­sat TV chan­nel, was sen­tenced to two years of impris­on­ment under Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code (orga­ni­za­tion and prepa­ra­tion of actions gross­ly vio­lat­ing pub­lic order) for cov­er­ing the protest at the Square of Changes in Min­sk.

    Human rights activists declared her a polit­i­cal pris­on­er.

    On 7 April 2022, five months before her release from prison, the jour­nal­ist was charged again, this time under Part 1 Arti­cle 356 (Trea­son against the State) of the Crim­i­nal Code of Belarus.

    Andrejeva’s release date was 5 Sep­tem­ber this year.

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