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  • Police trash apartment of former TV presenter

    Police raided  the Minsk home of former TV and radio presenter Kaciaryna Pytlieva, tearing the apartment apart in what looked like an act of retaliation.

    Writ­ing in a social media post, Ms. Pytlie­va, who fled Belarus last year to escape polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed per­se­cu­tion, said that the offi­cers had left an utter mess in the apart­ment.

    In par­tic­u­lar, they broke down not only the door to the apart­ment but also the bed­room door, which had not been locked, dam­aged loud­speak­ers, smashed hedge­hog fig­urines, tore up her wed­ding pho­tos, trashed her vinyl record col­lec­tion, and poured cere­als and flour out of jars onto the floor.

    The police also ripped pic­tures of the journalist’s friends off the refrig­er­a­tor, tore them up and put the pieces into a water fil­ter, as well as cut a por­trait of Ms. Pytlieva’s hus­band with a knife.

    Ms. Pytlie­va post­ed mul­ti­ple pho­tos show­ing the mess left by the raid.

    The rea­son for the raid was not imme­di­ate­ly known. Ms. Pytlie­va, who is stay­ing in a Euro­pean coun­try togeth­er with her hus­band and their chil­dren, cur­rent­ly hosts a YouTube show focus­ing on Belarus’ news.

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