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  • Police arrests director of car business-related media outlet and threatens its owners

    Police arrested Vital Paliakou, director of the ABW.BY media outlet that covers news on the car industry. He is accused of participating in protests.

    Pali­ak­ou is based in Min­sk, and report­ed­ly used to man­age the Viber_auto_forums project. Recent­ly, he worked as a direc­tor of the Bonus­torg com­pa­ny that owns the ABW.BY media out­let.

    He was arrest­ed recent­ly, and the police video shows his pho­tos from protests, along with screen­shots from his per­son­al chats and pri­vate groups. The video stress­es that he made a lot of mon­ey, approx­i­mate­ly $1,500 per month.

    Towards the end of their report, the police warn busi­ness own­ers who are cur­rent­ly away on vaca­tion “to pre­pare for the com­ing days when they will need all their ener­gy.”

    Last June, the edi­tor-in-chief of ABW.BY, Yulia Mudreuskaya, and the spe­cial projects edi­tor, Yury Hlad­chuk, were arrest­ed. Yulia received a prison sen­tence of one and a half years, while Yury was sen­tenced to two and a half years in prison.

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