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  • Police-affiliated Telegram channel published video of detained journalists Aliaksandr Lychauka and Sniazhana Inanets

    The Svodki tsentra Telegram channel, affiliated with the law enforcers, published a video of detained journalists Aliaksandr Lychauka and Sniazhana Inanets.

    In the video, the cou­ple explains the rea­son for their deten­tion. Lychau­ka says he par­tic­i­pat­ed in protests in 2020, fol­lowed “destruc­tive” Telegram chan­nels and shared infor­ma­tion from them. Inanets was also a fol­low­er of “destruc­tive” chan­nels and par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al protests dur­ing which she marched in the road­way, the video says.

    The post authors note that Lychau­ka works for The Vil­lage online media, and Inanets is a free­lancer for the Onlin­er pub­li­ca­tion.

    Law enforcers detained the jour­nal­ists on 6 Octo­ber. No details of the deten­tion were report­ed.

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