Police-affiliated Telegram channel published video of detained journalists Aliaksandr Lychauka and Sniazhana Inanets
The Svodki tsentra Telegram channel, affiliated with the law enforcers, published a video of detained journalists Aliaksandr Lychauka and Sniazhana Inanets.
In the video, the couple explains the reason for their detention. Lychauka says he participated in protests in 2020, followed “destructive” Telegram channels and shared information from them. Inanets was also a follower of “destructive” channels and participated in several protests during which she marched in the roadway, the video says.
The post authors note that Lychauka works for The Village online media, and Inanets is a freelancer for the Onliner publication.
Law enforcers detained the journalists on 6 October. No details of the detention were reported.