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  • The Ministry of Information Disabled Access to ‘Belarusian Partisan’ Social and Political Web-site for the Alleged Publication of ‘Banned Information’

    The Ministry of Information of Belarus released a statement on December 16, 2017: “Basing on article 51, paragraph 1.2 sub-paragraph 1 of Belarus Law ‘On Mass Media’ and following an audit of implementation of media legislation, there has been taken a decision to restrict access to the www.belaruspartisan.org news resource”.


    “In my opin­ion, the dis­abling of access with­out a court deci­sion shows the restric­tive char­ac­ter of leg­is­la­tion and the mis­use of pow­er on the part of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion”, not­ed Andrei Bas­tunets, BAJ Chair­per­son. — “I believe that the ban­ning of ‘Belaru­sian Par­ti­san’ Web-site vio­lates the prin­ci­ples of free­dom of speech”, — he added. 

    It is worth men­tion­ing that the Belaru­sian Par­ti­san own­ers decid­ed to reg­is­ter a mir­ror Web-site in the Belaru­sian domain zone -.by. The pub­lic access to the Belaru­sian mir­ror Web-resource is open for the time being.

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