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  • Ministry of Information Blocks 40 Websites, 11 of them Extremist

    In 2015, the Ministry of Information restricted access to 40 websites, says Lilija Ananič in the reply to BAJ request sent on November 5.

    “Out of them, 18 infor­ma­tion­al resources have been blocked for dis­tri­b­u­tion of infor­ma­tion aimed to sell ille­gal drugs, 2 – for tabooed vocab­u­lary, 5 – for inap­pro­pri­ate adver­tis­ing of med­i­cines, 1 – for pro­pa­gan­da of child pornog­ra­phy, 1 – for dis­tri­b­u­tion of infor­ma­tion that can inflict dam­age to nation­al inter­ests,” says the reply. Access to four of the resources have been renewed. There had been no warn­ings issued to own­ers of the web­sites. 

    “The grounds for issu­ing a writ­ten warn­ing are envis­aged by art. 49, point 1 of the Law on Mass Media…, and the grounds to restrict access to mass media prod­ucts are envis­aged by art. 51, point 1. The list is exhaus­tive,” says the Min­is­ter. 

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