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  • May 21 is the Day of the Political prisoner in Belarus: show your solidarity! Updated with events schedule

    Viasna human rights center has designated May 21 as a Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus. On this day two years ago, political prisoner Vitold Ashurak died in the Škloŭ penal colony No. 17. No criminal proceedings have been initiated following his death, while the situation with political prisoners has significantly deteriorated. Last year, the Day of Political Prisoners theme was the yellow tag used in colonies to mark inmates. It was Ashurak who first talked about it in his letter.

    This year human rights defenders propose to make the theme of the Day of Solidarity with political prisoners in Belarus letters and the right to correspondence, which the Belarusian authorities have deprived hundreds of political prisoners. Viasna calls on people to express solidarity with all political prisoners on May 21, draw the attention of the Belarusian and international community to their problems, and once again demand the release of all political prisoners from the authorities.

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists joins the events!

    The authorities are trying to destroy independent journalism in Belarus. Support the Solidarity Marathon!

    Why May 21 is an important day for Belarus

    Human rights defend­ers chose the date of the Day of Sol­i­dar­i­ty with Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers in Belarus for a rea­son. May 21 marks the anniver­sary of the death of polit­i­cal pris­on­er Vitold Ashu­rak in the colony.

    Ashu­rak, a well-known activist from the town of Biarozau­ka, Lida dis­trict, was sen­tenced to five years in jail in a closed tri­al over his par­tic­i­pa­tion in 2020 protests. He was sent to serve his term in the Škloŭ penal colony. On May 21, 2021, the 244th day of his impris­on­ment, polit­i­cal pris­on­er Vitold Ashu­rak sud­den­ly died. The report­ed cause of death is car­diac arrest, although, accord­ing to rel­a­tives, the man did not have any com­plaints about his health. No inves­ti­ga­tion into his death has been start­ed. Ashu­rak was the first to talk about mass label­ing polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in colonies with yel­low tags. He wrote about this in his let­ter: 

    “There is no short­age of polit­i­cal [pris­on­ers] here [in Škloŭ colony]. So there is no rea­son to be sad. More­over, the admin­is­tra­tion has issued an order to have yel­low-col­ored tags on clothes and polit­i­cal pris­on­ers can be dis­tin­guished from afar.”

    The author­i­ties refused to inves­ti­gate Vitold Ashu­ral’s death in the colony.


    In let­ters to the out­side world, Vitold Ashu­rak often wrote about the sol­i­dar­i­ty and sup­port of Belaru­sians. Here is what he wrote in his last let­ter to his moth­er, dat­ed April 14, 2021:

    “For­tu­nate­ly, we have won­der­ful peo­ple, and they have sup­port­ed me whole­heart­ed­ly. And now, when I have tem­porar­i­ly end­ed up in prison, peo­ple sup­port me even more, send­ing let­ters and post­cards, pass­ing on pack­ages and send­ing mon­ey, pay­ing my sub­scrip­tion to news­pa­pers, and pray­ing in church­es and cathe­drals all over Belarus! There are so many let­ters that I can bare­ly keep up with the replies!”

    The prob­lem of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in Belarus only inten­si­fies over time as their num­bers con­tin­ue to grow, with women and men being held in inhu­mane con­di­tions, tor­tured and beat­en, and not get­ting prop­er med­ical care. In deten­tion facil­i­ties, they face rights vio­la­tions and pres­sure. Polit­i­cal pris­on­ers’ right to defense and cor­re­spon­dence is lim­it­ed; they are deprived of pack­ages and vis­its from rel­a­tives and are forced into hard labor.

    “The authorities want us to forget the word ‘solidarity’”

    Human rights defend­ers of Vias­na chose let­ters and the right to cor­re­spon­dence as the theme for this year’s Day of Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers. We want to draw the Belaru­sian and inter­na­tion­al community’s atten­tion to block­ing mail for polit­i­cal pris­on­ers. Vias­na human rights defend­er Dziyana Pinchuk com­ments:

    “Today in Belarus, we have an unprece­dent­ed sit­u­a­tion where the author­i­ties have effec­tive­ly deprived hun­dreds of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers of their right to cor­re­spon­dence. Although it is still guar­an­teed by law, like many oth­er rights, it is bla­tant­ly vio­lat­ed dur­ing times of legal default. The sit­u­a­tion wors­ened sig­nif­i­cant­ly with the out­break of the war in Ukraine in 2022; polit­i­cal pris­on­ers have been increas­ing­ly denied sol­i­dar­i­ty let­ters in pre­tri­al deten­tion cen­ters, pris­ons, and colonies, not only from con­cerned peo­ple and friends but often from fam­i­ly mem­bers as well. Some­times colony staff destroys let­ters in front of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers.

    By block­ing cor­re­spon­dence for polit­i­cal pris­on­ers, the author­i­ties want us to for­get the word ‘sol­i­dar­i­ty’ and live as if our pris­ons and colonies are not filled with polit­i­cal pris­on­ers and new arrests are not hap­pen­ing dai­ly.

    But we will con­tin­ue to sup­port them because, as Ales Biali­ats­ki said dur­ing his tri­al, “It is in the tra­di­tion of the Belaru­sian peo­ple to help peo­ple in need.”

    Human rights defend­ers firm­ly believe that we must con­tin­ue to write let­ters to polit­i­cal pris­on­ers, as, even if they don’t reach the addressee, deten­tion offi­cers will see that peo­ple remem­ber, care, and wait for their release.

    How to join us: Political Prisoner’s Day activities

    1. Orga­nize or join a sol­i­dar­i­ty action in your city on May 21 to sup­port Belaru­sian polit­i­cal pris­on­ers and com­mem­o­rate Vitold Ashu­rak.

    2. Orga­nize an event for sign­ing let­ters and post­cards of sol­i­dar­i­ty.

    3. On May 21, attach a paper bird with a polit­i­cal prisoner’s sur­name or a yel­low tag to your clothes, take a pho­to, and post it on social media with hash­tags #FreeThe­mAll #WeS­tand­ByY­ou.

    4. Record a video of your­self read­ing a let­ter from a polit­i­cal pris­on­er and post it on social media with hash­tags #FreeThe­mAll #WeS­tand­ByY­ou.

    5. Write a let­ter to a polit­i­cal pris­on­er and post it on social media with hash­tags #FreeThe­mAll #WeS­tand­ByY­ou. The let­ter can be sent to the pris­on­er online through the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Post­cards Ate­lier.

    6. Sup­port polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in anoth­er way by send­ing parcels, telegrams, and mon­ey trans­fers.

    7. Oth­er ideas are wel­comed! Use your cre­ative pow­er to stand up in sol­i­dar­i­ty with polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in Belarus.

    Use our hash­tags #FreeThe­mAll #WeS­tand­ByY­ou and tag Vias­na on social media.

    [NEW] International events schedule

    [updat­ed: May 12, 2023]

    Events for Belarus Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers’ Sol­i­dar­i­ty Day will take place in var­i­ous coun­tries and cities:

    May 19, Friday

    • Vil­nius, Lithua­nia, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. The sign­ing of post­cards and let­ters for polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in Belarus. Venue: Cre­ate­Cul­ture Space, Karmelitų g. 5.

    May 20, Saturday

    • War­saw, Poland, 6:30 PM. Vitold Ashu­rak com­mem­o­ra­tive gath­er­ing. Friends and rel­a­tives will share their mem­o­ries of Vitold and his life prin­ci­ples. There will also be a musi­cal part. Venue: Belaru­sian House in War­saw (ul. Kryn­icz­na 6).

    • Bre­men, Ger­many. Belaru­sians in Bre­men, Razam Bre­men, and activists from Sal­i­dar­nast will gath­er to cre­ate post­cards and write let­ters to polit­i­cal pris­on­ers on the eve of Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers Day. The time and loca­tion can be found in the Razam Face­book group.

    May 21, Sunday

    Vil­nius, Lithua­nia, 11:00 AM. The Read­ing of the Names of the 1,500 Belaru­sian polit­i­cal pris­on­ers will take place near the mur­al of Nobel Peace Prize lau­re­ate polit­i­cal pris­on­er Ales Biali­ats­ki. Address: Min­dau­go g. 18.

    • Vil­nius, Lithua­nia, 12:00 PM. Action in sup­port of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers. Details will fol­low.

    • War­saw, Poland, 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM. Ral­ly for Belaru­sian Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers’ Day. After the ral­ly, there will be a demon­stra­tion from Con­sti­tu­tion Square to Krakowskie Przed­mieś­cie where the pro­gram will con­tin­ue. Loca­tion: Con­sti­tu­tion Square (Plac Kon­sty­tucji) 6.

    • War­saw, Poland, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Ral­ly and chain of sol­i­dar­i­ty with those cur­rent­ly impris­oned for polit­i­cal rea­sons in Belarus. The event is orga­nized by a group of for­mer polit­i­cal pris­on­ers, sup­port­ed by the Nation­al Anti-Cri­sis Man­age­ment, Muse­um of Free Belarus, Vet­er­ans of Kas­tuś Kali­noŭs­ki Reg­i­ment, BY_POL Ini­tia­tive, and the Asso­ci­a­tion of Belaru­sian Busi­ness­men ABBA. Loca­tion: Coper­ni­cus Square (Plac Kon­sty­tucji).

    • New York, USA. On May 21, a pic­nic of the Belaru­sians of New York and sur­round­ings will be held in Cen­tral Park to sup­port Belaru­sian polit­i­cal pris­on­ers and com­mem­o­rate Vitold Ashu­rak. The event is orga­nized for like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als who care about the fate of our com­pa­tri­ots behind bars. The sign­ing of sol­i­dar­i­ty let­ters and post­cards is planned, with the sup­port of the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Post­card Ate­lier. More details can be found on Insta­gram.

    Common Prayers

    • In Rome, a mass in sup­port of Belaru­sian polit­i­cal pris­on­ers will be held on May 21 at 11:00 AM. Venue: Via di San Sebas­tianel­lo 11, Roma

    • In Vil­nius, the Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty of the Ecu­meni­cal Patri­ar­chate will join the Day of Polit­i­cal Pris­on­ers. Venue: Bokš­to g. 2. Sched­ule

      • 8:40 AM – 9:50 AM: Mess and com­mon prayer for the release of all those unjust­ly con­demned

      • 9:50 AM – 10:05 AM: Prayer for all the unjust­ly con­vict­ed and impris­oned before the icon “Joy of All Who Sor­row”. Remem­brance of the names of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers of Belarus

      • 10:00 AM – Sym­bol­ic light­ing of the “Prayer can­dle for free­dom”

    Free­dom to polit­i­cal pris­on­ers!  

    The author­i­ties are try­ing to destroy inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ism in Belarus. Sup­port the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Marathon!

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