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  • Helping photojournalist Gennady Veratinsky to settle in a new country

    Gennady Veratinsky — photojournalist, member of BAJ and member of the opposition United Civil Party (UCP). Now the photojournalist, who has a disability of the 2nd group, needs help to get settled in a new country.

    «After the 2020 elec­tions I par­tic­i­pat­ed in many protests as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er and jour­nal­ist. For this I was detained and impris­oned for 24 hours.

    And in Feb­ru­ary 2023, when I was lying in the hos­pi­tal, I start­ed receiv­ing threat­en­ing calls from the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee. They want­ed to detain me, but since I was in inten­sive care with pneu­mo­nia, they could­n’t do it. After I was dis­charged, I was able to leave Belarus.

    I can’t return home, because I will be 100% behind bars. Because of my poor health (I am a group 2 invalid) I am unlike­ly to sur­vive anoth­er prison sen­tence. Last time I was in Okresti­na, I had a hyper­ten­sive cri­sis — my blood pres­sure went up to 270/140. Then I was tak­en in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion to hos­pi­tal No. 1 in Min­sk. It took me sev­er­al years to recov­er.

    Now I am set­tling in a new coun­try. I need to rent a house and to orga­nize my life in a basic way. I hope for help from Belaru­sians».

    How much is need­ed? €3100 Rent, food, med­i­cine, clothes

    You can support the photojournalist here

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