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  • «The floor under me was covered in blood» RFE/RL reporter has his nose broken during the arrest

    Anton Trafimovich had his nose broken during arrest. Later he sought medical help and received four stitches.

    Anton Trafimovich 

    In the evening of July 15, RFE/RL reporter Anton Trafi­movich and free­lance reporter with Bela­PAN news agency Vialet­ta Sauchyts were snatched in Min­sk, near Niami­ha street. Lat­er they were found in Zavod­s­ki dis­trict police depart­ment. At 8:34 p.m. the jour­nal­ists released.

    Short­ly before his arrest, Anton Trafi­movich was livestream­ing from out­side the build­ing of the Cen­tral Elec­tion Com­mis­sion. Here is how he describes his deten­tion:

    «I was walk­ing from Mias­niko­va to Niami­ha street when I saw a van stop­ping right next to me. About 6 or 7 peo­ple rushed towards me, two in riot police uni­form, and oth­ers in plain clothes. They twist­ed my arms behind my back and stuck a hand in my mouth to stop me from scream­ing. They also punched me in the nose.

    In the van, they put me on the floor, on my knees, hand­cuffed me behind my back, and forced me to hold my head down all the way.  I was bleed­ing, but the police did not react to that. The whole floor under me was cov­ered in blood, and my clothes, too.

    No one intro­duced him­self, or told me why they were arrest­ing me. They just threw me into the van and took me to Zavod­s­ki dis­trict police depart­ment. Only there I was allowed to wash blood off my face. An hour lat­er they let me go free.»

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