The authorities seized BAJ’s domain name and email address. Using Belarusian hosting and domain name providers is not safe anymore. BAJ to appeal to ICANN
The Operational and Analytical Center under the President of Belarus seized the domain name of the Belarusian Association of Journalists' website The organization considers this a gross violation of property rights and another attack on freedom of speech. BAJ applied to ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
January 3 the Operational Analytical Center under the President of Belarus announced that it had decided to suspend the delegation of the domain name, whose owner was allegedly involved in the detected violations.
Earlier, the OAC, through the registrar company OOO Otkrytyi Kontakt, sent a notice to the domain owner requesting documents confirming the authenticity of personal information. Efforts from the authorities in this regard began promptly after the BAJ released its stance on hosting a regional Internet Governance Forum in Minsk.
OOO Otkrytyi Kontakt first offered the domain owner to send a passport scan by e‑mail, but a few days later reported that the OAC insisted on a personal visit of the owner to the office.
In reply, Aleh Ahejeu, the deputy chairman of BAJ and the official owner of the domain, informed OOO Otkrytyi Kontakt that the internet domain registration guidelines do not provide for «personal visits» to the registrar’s office. It is worth noting that domains in the .by zone can be owned by foreigners. Furthermore, all the required documents have already been submitted, as confirmed by the registering company itself.
Despite this, the OAC decided to deprive BAJ of the Belarusian domain name.
«We consider the deprivation of a domain name as theft. Furthermore, the Belarusian authorities violated the property right, in addition to flagrantly breaching the right to freedom of expression.
For almost 20 years, the internationally recognized Belarusian Association of Journalists had a website on this domain name and used it to promote human rights values, standards of journalistic work, and the right to expression. For 20 years, the Belarusian authorities have been waging a war on freedom of expression.
But even the most severe actions, such as direct confiscation, will not result in the halting of independent media activity or the denial of truthful information sources to the people of Belarus. BAJ will not allow the authorities to legitimize repression, state censorship, and pressure on independent media.
The authorities’ aggressive actions violate the international regulations for domain administration. Therefore, BAJ will inform ICANN, the organization responsible for managing domain names, and seek an appropriate assessment of the incident at a global level.
This is the third case of domain seizure by the state involving independent media. It is safe to say that having a domain in Belarus is now simply dangerous for any business. And no company or business is immune from destruction due to the seizure of the domain by the state for far-fetched reasons. Belarusian ISPs are discredited and dangerous not only for independent media but also for any company that might become the next target,» said Barys Haretski, BAJ’s deputy chairman.
As of today, we do not control the website or any email addresses registered with the domain name.
We do not know how the authorities will use them, so please do not visit the old website or send or reply to emails from email addresses containing in their name. They are not authored by BAJ!
We have proactively moved our website content to the new international domain
The main email address of the organization and the editorial office of the site is now
The email address for international contacts is
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