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  • Andrei Aliaksandrau’s poem recited in English: Solidarity action marks 1000 days of journalist’s imprisonment

    Although the Belarusian government tries to suppress information about political prisoners, the attempts are unsuccessful. Andrei Aliaksandrau has not been forgotten despite being isolated from the external world. On the thousandth day of the media manager's imprisonment, Index on Censorship launched an inspiring solidarity campaign.

    The poem the jour­nal­ist has sent from behind bars was trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish by Belaru­sian poet Han­na Komar. Human rights activists and pub­lish­ers who per­son­al­ly knew Andrei Ali­ak­san­drau recit­ed the lines.

    The poem’s title is sim­ple and metaphor­i­cal — #. It is emo­tion­al and thought-pro­vok­ing, and many peo­ple shared the text.

    Index of Cen­sor­ship encour­ages shar­ing the video on social media using the hash­tag #1000Days.

    The orig­i­nal text in Belaru­sian was voiced by the poet Anna Komar:

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