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  • Blogger Ihar Losik detained on back of Lukashenka’s blasting Telegram

    On Thursday afternoon, law enforcers showed a search warrant to blogger Ihar Losik, who is also an administrator of popular Telegram channel Беларусь головного мозга (Belarus Of The Brain). After the search, Losik was detained..

    Ihar Losik

    Accord­ing to pre­lim­i­nary infor­ma­tion, nine per­sons – masked inves­ti­ga­tors and offi­cers in civvies — took part in the raid.

    “[The place of] one of our admin­is­tra­tors, Ihar Losik, was searched. We may tem­porar­i­ly freeze this chan­nel. We will keep you informed via this chan­nel or oth­ers,” his fel­lows said on Telegram.

    A lap­top, a com­put­er and a phone were seized from the blog­ger. The oper­a­tion was pre-arranged, his col­leagues say.

    “Detain­ing Losik is linked to Lukashenka’s state­ments about Telegram. Need­less to say, it is not the end of the cleanup,” they stressed.

    Dur­ing the search, his wife Darya and their child had to wait in the com­mu­nal entrance hall­way. Accord­ing to her, the vis­i­tors were demon­strat­ing theit aggres­sive atti­tude

    “They said that if we didn’t open the door, it would be blown up,” Darya says.

    Then Losik was tak­en away by the police. It is unknown what the blog­ger is charged with. How­ev­er, the issuance of the war­rant can be indica­tive of open­ing a crim­i­nal case.

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