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  • Belarusian journalist denied new passport at Belarusian embassy in Germany

    Currently, Iryna Makavetskaya, an ex-independent journalist from Homel, resides in Germany. She faced difficulties in acquiring a new passport from the Belarusian embassy. The embassy conveyed to her that the passport issuance is only possible in Belarus and not outside the country.

    Iry­na Makavet­skaya was once a jour­nal­ist at Bela­PAN, Belorusskaya Delo­vaya Gaze­ta, and Nar­o­d­naya Volya. She relo­cat­ed to Ger­many in 2005. Ear­li­er, the embassy used to issue pass­ports for her and her chil­dren with­out any prob­lems. This time, Iry­na was sup­posed to col­lect her pass­port on July 11. The fam­i­ly was about to reach Berlin when Iry­na got a call from the embassy, which told her that they couldn’t issue her pass­port.

    “They told me they need to con­tact the Belarus Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs to check if they can issue a doc­u­ment for a par­tic­u­lar per­son,” Iry­na said.

    The reporter lodged a com­plaint with the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs, which trans­ferred her case to the embassy, and the embassy arranged a new meet­ing. But Iry­na couldn’t attend the appoint­ed date. She attempt­ed to con­tact the depart­ment but got reject­ed again for her pass­port issuance.

    Iry­na Makavet­skaya is uncer­tain about which steps to take in her sce­nario.

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