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  • Belarus Blogger Wins The Bobs-2016 User Award in Russian

    The blog of Viktar Malisheuski antijournalist.by won the most voices in the international contest of Deutsche Welle The Bobs-2016 (Best of Online Activism) in the nomination "Best website or blog in the Russian language".

    Фото: facebook.com/vmalishevsky

    The Belaru­sian blog gath­ered 5519 voic­es, out­num­ber­ing its com­peti­tor from Rus­sia, the web­site «Tak­i­je Dela», by 1322.

    In his blog, «Vik­tor Mal­i­shevskiy describes and dry­ly com­ments on offi­cial sta­tis­tics pub­lished by offi­cial state media. A typ­i­cal exam­ple: «Since the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion (Decem­ber 2010) the aver­age salary of a Beloruss­ian cit­i­zen rose from 1,595,900 to 6,536,100 rubles — or from 531 dol­lars to 450 dol­lars,» says the descrip­tion on the page of the con­test.

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