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  • BelaPAN staff searched and interrogated Accountant, director and former director of the news agency have been detained

    BelaPAN news agency staff were raided in the morning of August 18. Two people were detained and placed in the detention center

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    Illus­tra­tive pho­to Search in Min­sk on Feb­ru­ary 16, 2021

    Jour­nal­ist Iry­na Turchy­na, edi­tor of Bela­PAN’s web news­pa­per Naviny.by Alexan­der Zait­sau and the com­pa­ny’s accoun­tant Kat­siary­na Boye­va man­aged to inform the pub­lic about the raids in their homes.

    Bela­PAN accoun­tant Kat­siary­na Boye­va has been placed in the deten­tion cen­ter at Akrestsi­na Street. She is sus­pect­ed under Part 1 of Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code (orga­ni­za­tion and prepa­ra­tion of actions that gross­ly vio­late pub­lic order, or active par­tic­i­pa­tion in them), her hus­band reports.

    Bela­PAN’s for­mer direc­tor Dmit­ry Novozhilov has also been placed in the deten­tion cen­ter.

    The police also raid­ed the apart­ment of the Bela­PAN direc­tor Iry­na Leushy­na. After that, she was tak­en to the Bela­PAN office for a search there, and then for ques­tion­ing by the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee.

    Leushy­na, Bela­PAN’s direc­tor and edi­tor-in-chief, was detained for 72 hours. .

    After the inter­ro­ga­tion, she will be tak­en to the Akrestsi­na deten­tion cen­ter. A lawyer was allowed to see her.

    After the search at home of Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Zakhar Shchar­bak­ou, he was tak­en for ques­tion­ing. «The search is over. My hus­band, Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Zakhar Shchar­bak­ou, was tak­en away for ques­tion­ing,» Ele­na, his wife, post­ed on Face­book. After the inter­ro­ga­tion, Shchar­bak­ou was released.

    Deputy edi­tor-in-chief of Bela­PANAlexan­der Zait­sau had his equip­ment seized, but was not detained.

    Accord­ing to Zait­sau, the search last­ed for about an hour as part of the case under Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code. There were sev­en peo­ple in the search team: two employ­ees of the Depart­ment for Fight­ing Eco­nom­ic Crime, their super­vi­sor (pos­si­bly from anoth­er unit), two spe­cial force offi­cers in full equip­ment, and two wit­ness­es.

    They took away a mobile phone, a com­put­er hard dri­ve, an old tablet, as well as an edi­to­r­i­al ID and sev­er­al busi­ness cards. The case is being han­dled by the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee. Alexan­der Zait­sau was not detained, but signed an under­tak­ing to appear. His pro­ce­dur­al sta­tus was not explained to him.

    12: 50 The for­mer direc­tor of Bela­PAN Dmit­ry Novozhilov was searched and tak­en for ques­tion­ing.

    After the ques­tion­ing he was placed in the deten­tion cen­ter.

    Novozhilov became act­ing direc­tor, and lat­er direc­tor of Bela­PAN after the death of its founder Ales Lipai in August 2018. In Jan­u­ary 2021, Novozhilov left the com­pa­ny by his own voli­tion.

    13: 00 Bela­PAN jour­nal­istIry­na Turchy­na was released after ques­tion­ing. Her phone was seized from her.

    She told about the search in her home.

    They came at 7 am, the search last­ed for about two hours. . The search war­rant spec­i­fied arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code. They seized all dig­i­tal media — a com­put­er, a mobile phone, flash dri­ves, a voice recorder and a note­book.

    After the search, they took her to Min­sk City Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee for ques­tion­ing, where she refused to tes­ti­fy. She signed a non-dis­clo­sure agree­ment and was released. Turchy­na remains a wit­ness in a crim­i­nal case.


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