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  • BelaPAN Chief Suspected of Grand Tax Evasion

    Ales Lipai, head of the Belarusian independent news agency BelaPAN , is suspected of tax evasion. Tut.by learned that from Yuri Kardymon, the spokesman of the State Control Committee's Department for Financial Investigations.  Lipai was released after questioning in the Department's office.  The interrogation lasted about two and a half hours.

    Алесь Ліпай

    Accord­ing to the Depart­ment for Finan­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions of the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee, crim­i­nal charges under Arti­cle 243 part 2 (grand tax eva­sion) have been brought against Lipai.

    The sanc­tions pro­vide for up to 7 years of impris­on­ment with seizure of prop­er­ty.

    The crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion was launched on June 12, 2018. The crim­i­nal charges are ground­ed on the mate­ri­als received from the tax author­i­ties on Lipai’s fail­ure to pay income tax on the income earned abroad.

    «The Finan­cial police has reli­able infor­ma­tion that Ales Lipai, hav­ing received income amount­ing to more than 1.3 mil­lion rubles from non-res­i­dents of the Repub­lic of Belarus in 2016–2017, delib­er­ate­ly failed to sub­mit on time tax returns to the local inspec­torate of the Min­istry of Tax­es and Duties and did not pay income tax. By doing so, he evad­ed pay­ment of income tax­es total­ing more than 173 thou­sand BYN»- states the Depart­ment for Finan­cial Inves­ti­ga­tion.

    The Depart­ment also notes that Ales Lipai admit­ted the vio­la­tion of leg­is­la­tion after it was detect­ed and paid income tax and a penal­ty of over 191 thou­sand BYN on June 12. How­ev­er, giv­en that the dam­age in the form of unpaid income tax exceed­ed 1000 base val­ues (24.5 thou­sand BYN), regard­less of its sub­se­quent finan­cial com­pen­sa­tion, the police, in accor­dance with the Code of Crim­i­nal Pro­ce­dures, must imple­ment crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings to clar­i­fy the cir­cum­stances of reciev­ing the funds.

    Now the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee’s body of finan­cial inves­ti­ga­tion is car­ry­ing out inves­tiga­tive and oth­er pro­ce­dur­al actions.

    This morn­ing, June 14, the police searched the apart­ment of Ales Lipai  — it last­ed near­ly sev­en hours. Then the police took Bela­PAN’s head for an inter­ro­ga­tion.

    ть полностью:  https://news.tut.by/economics/597017.html

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