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  • Andrzej Poczobut placed in solitary confinement

    Journalist Andrzej Poczobut was previously sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment.

    The con­vict filed an appeal against the sen­tence, RFE/RL reports based on infor­ma­tion from his fam­i­ly. They also said that Andrzej Poc­zobut was put in soli­tary con­fine­ment for a week for unknown rea­sons.

    A month ago, Andrzej Poc­zobut was found guilty of incit­ing eth­nic hatred and encour­ag­ing sanc­tions.

    In Octo­ber last year, the author­i­ties put the jour­nal­ist on the list of ter­ror­ists. He has been behind bars for more than a year and a half. The pris­on­er has a stom­ach prob­lem, and a lot of food is not good for his diges­tive sys­tem. There­fore, he report­ed­ly lost a lot of weight.

    Andrzej Pac­zobut was detained on 25 March 2021 along with oth­er activists of the Pol­ish nation­al minor­i­ty and his home was searched for hours.

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