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  • A statement in support of arrested media workers — Justice for Journalists Foundation

     The Justice for Journalists Foundation and its Media Risk Map partners monitoring attacks on media workers in the post-Soviet space call on international organisations and governments of all countries to do their utmost to secure the early release of all incarcerated media workers and to end the barbaric violations of their rights. According to the JFJ’s experts, at least 84 media workers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Crimea, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are awaiting trial in detention or under house arrests, or have already been sentenced to long-term imprisonment and are held in prisons and prison camps. 

    Доклад Фонда «Справедливость для журналистов» о атаках на медиаработников в Беларуси

    Such actions by gov­ern­ments are unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic and vio­late two fun­da­men­tal human free­doms: the right to lib­er­ty (arti­cle 3 of the Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights) and the right to just and favourable con­di­tions of work(article 23 of the Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights). 

    Accord­ing to the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, as of June, 8 2021, 33 media work­ers are detained in Belarus. At least 42 Russ­ian and Crimean pro­fes­sion­al and cit­i­zen jour­nal­ists are impris­oned or held under house arrest in Rus­sia and Crimea. All these jour­nal­ists, as well as nine incar­cer­at­ed media work­ers in Uzbek­istan, Turk­menistan and Azer­bai­jan have been deprived of their lib­er­ty just for ful­fill­ing their pro­fes­sion­al duties by report­ing objec­tive­ly and inde­pen­dent­ly.  

    More infor­ma­tion about attacks on jour­nal­ists, blog­gers and media work­ers is avail­able on JFJ Media Risk Map and in the Inci­dents Data­base.  

    Below is a list of media work­ers who cur­rent­ly in pris­ons as of June 8, 2021


    1. Polad Aslanov, the edi­tor-in-chief of the Xeber­man and Press-az news web­sites
    2. Elchin Mam­madli, edi­tor-in-chief of the Yük­səliş­nam­inə news­pa­per
    3. Afgan Sadigov, the head of the online pub­li­ca­tion Azel.Tv
    4. Aslan Gur­banov, blog­ger  
    5. Elchin Hasan­zade, blog­ger 
    6. Ibrahim Turk­soy, blog­ger 


    1. Roman Pro­ta­se­vich, ex-edi­tor in chief of social media news chan­nel NEXTA
    2. Kat­syary­na Andreye­va, Bel­sat jour­nal­ist 
    3. Darya Chultso­va, Bel­sat jour­nal­ist 
    4. Yulia Slut­skaya, founder of the Press Club Belarus 
    5. Siarhei Alsheusk, direc­tor of the Press Club Belarus
    6. Alla Sharko, pro­gram direc­tor of the Press Club Belarus
    7. Petr Slut­s­ki, cam­era oper­a­tor of the Press Club Belarus
    8. Kse­nia Lut­ski­na, for­mer jour­nal­ist of the state TV chan­nel Belarus 2
    9. Andrey Alexan­drov, jour­nal­ist and media man­ag­er
    10. Denis Ivashin, inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist of the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty Inform­Na­palm, col­lab­o­rates with the news­pa­per Novy Chas
    11. Andrey Pochobut, jour­nal­ist
    12. Lyud­mi­la Chek­ina, gen­er­al direc­tor at TUT.BY
    13. Mari­na Zolo­to­va, edi­tor-in-chief at TUT.BY
    14. Olga Loyko, edi­tor-in-chief at TUT.BY
    15. Ele­na Tolka­che­va, TUT.by jour­nal­ist 
    16. Alla Lap­atko, chief engi­neer at TUT.BY
    17. Maria Novik, deputy chief accoun­tant at TUT.BY
    18. Iri­na Rybalko, deputy accoun­tant at TUT.BY  
    19. Daria Danilo­va, project man­ag­er at TUT.BY
    20. Andrei Avdeed, man­ag­er atTUT.BY
    21. Angela Assad, chief accoun­tant at TUT.BY
    22. Alexan­der Daine­ka, deputy gen­er­al direc­tor for Tech­ni­cal Affairs at TUT.BY
    23. Sergey Poval­i­shev, CEO of Hoster.by
    24. Igor Losik, blog­ger, admin­is­tra­tor of Telegram-chan­nel Belam­o­va (Belarus Golovno­go Moz­ga)  
    25. Sergey Petrukhin, blog­ger, YouTube chan­nel Nar­o­d­ny Reporter
    26. Alexan­der Kabanov, blog­ger, YouTube chan­nel Nar­o­d­ny Reporter
    27. Vladimir Tsyganovich, blog­ger, Moz­gON
    28. Vladimir Neron­sky. YouTube chan­nel “Slut­sk dlya zhizni” (Slut­sk for Life)
    29. Dmit­ry Kozlov, blog­ger “Seryy kot” (Gray Cat) 
    30. Sergei Tikhanovsky, YouTube chan­nel Coun­try for Life
    1. Yulia Chernyavskaya, wid­ow of the founder of TUT.BY 
    2. Eka­te­ri­na Tkachenko, lawyer of TUT.BY
    3. Iri­na Kostyuchenko, for­mer lawyer of TUT.BY 


    1. Vladislav Esipenko, free­lancer, Crimea. Real­i­ties, Radio Lib­er­ty
    2. Serv­er Mustafayev, coor­di­na­tor, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    3. Seyran Saliev, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    4. Timur Ibrag­i­mov, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    5. Marlen Asanov, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    6. Remzi Bekirov, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty, cor­re­spon­dent for Grani.Ru
    7. Rus­lan Suleimanov, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    8. Osman Arifmeme­tov, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    9. Rustem Sheikhaliev, cit­i­zen jour­nal­ist, Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    10. Olek­siy Bessarabov, Deputy Edi­tor-in-Chief of the “Cher­nomorskaya bezopas­nost” mag­a­zine, mem­ber of the Nation­al Union of Jour­nal­ists of Ukraine
    1. Amet Suleimanov, stream­er,Crimean Sol­i­dar­i­ty


    1. Niko­lay Babari­ka, blog­ger
    2. Alek­san­dr Val­ov, edi­tor-in-chief and founder of local news site Blog­Sochi
    3. Vladimir Vorontsov, the founder of the Police Ombuds­man
    4. Abdul­mu­min Gadzhiev, reli­gion sec­tion edi­tor of the inde­pen­dent news­pa­per Cher­novik
    5. Andrey Deineko, blog­ger
    6. Ayrat Dil­mukhame­tov, politi­cian, pub­li­cist
    7. Alek­san­dr Doro­gov,  co-deputy chief edi­tor of Ros­derzha­va
    8. Pavel Zelen­sky, a cam­era oper­a­tor for Navalny’s Anti-Cor­rup­tion Foun­da­tion (FBK)
    9. Ismail Isaev, blog­ger
    10. Yan Katelevskiy, Ros­derzha­va co-deputy chief edi­tor
    11. Alexan­der Kolomeit­sev, video blog­ger
    12. Max­im Lavren­tiev, Ros­derzha­va jour­nal­ist 
    13. Kon­stan­tin Lakeev, blog­ger
    14. Ivan Lyub­shin, blog­ger
    15. Salekh Mag­a­madov, blog­ger
    16. Rashid Maysigov, a for­mer jour­nal­ist of news out­let For­t­an­ga
    17. Alibek Mirzekhanov, blog­ger
    18. Dmit­ry Nadein, video blog­ger
    19. Boris Obraztsov, Tride­vy­atyy region
    20. Daria Polyu­do­va, blog­ger, polit­i­cal activist
    21. Andrei Pyzh, YouTube blog­ger  
    22. Ram­ilya Saito­va, activist, blog­ger
    23. Zari­fa Sautie­va, a for­mer jour­nal­ist of news out­let For­t­an­ga
    24. Ivan Safronov, a for­mer jour­nal­ist of Kom­m­er­sant and Vedo­mosti
    25. Ayta­hadzhi Hal­imov, blog­ger 
    26. Mali­ka Dzhikae­va, blog­ger
    1. Sergey Kamen­sky, blog­ger
    2. Armen Aramyan, DOXA
    3. Alla Gut­niko­va, DOXA 
    4. Vladimir Metelkin, DOXA
    5. Natalia Tyshke­vich, DOXA


    1. Miraz­iz Bazarov, blog­ger 
    2. Otabek Sat­toriy, blog­ger 


    1. Nurgel­di Halykov, free­lance cor­re­spon­dent of Turkmen.News 

    The orga­ni­za­tions who signed the state­ment: 

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