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  • BAJ protests over arrests and court rulings against journalists

    On September 4, 2020, the Kastrychnitski court of Minsk sentenced journalists Nadzeya Kalinina and Aliaksei Sudnikau (TUT.BY), Maria Eleshevich, Siarhei Shchehaliou, and Mikita Dubaleka (Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belarusi), and Andrei Shauluha (BelaPAN) to 3 days of jail. The court recognized them as participants in unauthorized protest actions. The journalists were released as their terms were completed.

    The tri­als were held in total dis­re­gard of the fair tri­al stan­dards.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of jour­nal­ists is out­raged by the court rul­ings and the way they were issued. Equat­ing jour­nal­ists with pro­test­ers is unac­cept­able and defies the norms of law.

    The laws on Mass Media and on Mass Events in the Repub­lic of Belarus enti­tle jour­nal­ists to attend mass events.  In full com­pli­ance with these laws, the detained and pros­e­cut­ed jour­nal­ists wore PRESS badges and vests, and had press IDs with them.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists draws atten­tion to the fact that Min­is­ter of Inter­nal Affairs Yury Karayeu has repeat­ed­ly stat­ed that it is unac­cept­able to inter­fere with the work of jour­nal­ists: «I have always spo­ken against any forms of vio­lence against jour­nal­ists. I sup­port civ­i­lized cov­er­age of events. The press is sacred. What­ev­er [the jour­nal­ist], one can’t touch them.» How­ev­er, in prac­tice, these words are either ignored or dis­agree with the real instruc­tions to the offi­cers.

    We demand to:

    - stop vio­la­tions of the rights of jour­nal­ists and mass media, and even more so, vio­lence against jour­nal­ists, as well as peace­ful pro­test­ers;

    - recon­sid­er these court rul­ings and pun­ish those who imped­ed the work of jour­nal­ists.

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