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  • 14 Journalists Served Official Charges in BelTA Case

    The final amount of financial damages made by the journalists to the state-owned news agency BelTA, will be given later. This is what Yulia Hancharova, official representative of the Investigation Committee, told BAJ.

    According to Hancharova, official charges were served to 14 people.

    Six jour­nal­ists of TUT.BY have already been served offi­cial charges.

    Besides that, the charges are served to Bela­PAN’s chief edi­tor Iry­na Leushy­na and its com­men­ta­tor Tat­siana Kar­avenko­va, Deutsche Welle’s cor­re­spon­dent Pauliuk Byk­ous­ki, and chief edi­tor of Realt.by por­tal Uladzis­lau Kulet­s­ki.

    Some of the tar­gets of the BELTA case do not want their names to be dis­closed.

    Iryna Leushyna, chief editor of BelaPAN news agency

    Iry­na Leushy­na, chief edi­tor of Bela­PAN news agency, told BAJ after ques­tion­ing by the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee that she had to pay a large amount of dam­ages. She also got back her phone­book and note­books that had been seized after the search.

    — They served offi­cial charges. I pled not guilty and refused to answer some ques­tions. In general,we rather had a con­ver­sa­tion than a ques­tion­ing today. Once again, I saw that the inves­ti­ga­tors were well aware of the cir­cum­stances and what was real­ly going on. They had just been ordered to act that way.  Every­one under­stands every­thing.

    The total amount that I was pro­posed to pay is more than 12, 000 BYN.

    Bela­PAN con­tin­ues to work as usu­al.

    All jour­nal­ists received claims for dif­fer­ent amounts of dam­ages.  Each jour­nal­ist choses their own tac­tics.  For exam­ple, accord­ing to the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee, Deutsche Welle reporter Pauliuk Byk­ous­ki is to repay BelTA a lit­tle more than 4,000 BYN.

    Byk­ous­ki says he pled guilty and will pay the mon­ey.

    «I chose to do that, this is my tac­tics. Cer­tain­ly, I do not per­suade any­one to fol­low my exam­ple,» says the well-known jour­nal­ist and media expert.

    On his Face­book page, founder and co-own­er TUT.BY Yury Ziss­er doubt­ed that «cov­er­ing dam­ages for BelTA» would  draw the case to a close.

    Also, the media busi­ness own­er claims, the crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings have already brought huge loss­es to Belarus due to the wors­en­ing invest­ment cli­mate.

    On August 7 the police searched TUT.BY and Bela­PAN offices and arrest­ed some jour­nal­ists. The author­i­ties detained Mary­na Zolata­va, chief edi­tor of TUT.BY, TUT.BY’s edi­tors Han­na Kalty­hi­na, Hali­na Ulasik, and Han­na Yer­ma­chonak, Bela­PAN’s chief edi­tor Iry­na Leushy­na and its com­men­ta­tor on inter­na­tion­al affairs Tat­siana Kar­avenko­va, Deutsche Welle’s cor­re­spon­dent Pauliuk Byk­ous­ki, and edi­tor of Belorusy i Rynok web­site Ali­ak­sei Zhukau. They all spent sev­er­al days in Akrestsi­na tem­po­rary deten­tion cen­ter. On August 27, most of the sus­pects were banned from leav­ing the coun­try.

    The jour­nal­ists and edi­tors received sup­port from the Euro­pean Union, the Coun­cil of Europe, the Unit­ed States, as well as inter­na­tion­al human rights orga­ni­za­tions.

    On Sep­tem­ber 25, TUT.BY edi­tor Dzmit­ry Bobryk made a state­ment on his Face­book page.  The jour­nal­ist said, he had expe­ri­enced pres­sure from the state rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the very begin­ning of the inves­ti­ga­tion into the “BelTA case”, who made threats of dis­clos­ing details of his per­son­al life.

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