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    Security and source protection workshop for journalists in Vilnius (April 29th-30th)

    We’re excited to announce that Quinn Norton – a journalist, writer, activist – is coming to Technarium to give a two-day intensive training for journalists/activists on April 29th-30th. We changed the dates to accommodate the people with dayjobs.

    Nei­ther of us believes in ready-made secu­ri­ty recipes (you know, the ”Use Sig­nal. Use Tor” mantra), so we’ll start with the basic dig­i­tal lit­er­a­cy – how the net­works work, what a net­work can see, how to avoid them see­ing you, what is cryp­tog­ra­phy, mal­ware, phish­ing, etc. Then we’ll move for­ward to the prac­ti­cal side – we’ll play games, mod­el sit­u­a­tions, learn to use dif­fer­ent tools. Most impor­tant­ly, the par­tic­i­pants will get an under­stand­ing of the threats they can face and con­fi­dence to decide on the right tools to use.

    The event is in Eng­lish and for reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants only (we’ll have 10–20 places avail­able). If you’re inter­est­ed, please send us (opit@technarium.lt, PGP:B89F16B5) your name and a cou­ple of sen­tences of why such train­ing might be mean­ing­ful for the work you’re doing.

    The train­ing is free of charge, giv­en on a vol­un­tary basis. On the oth­er hand, if you or your organ­i­sa­tion can con­tribute and help cov­er the trav­el costs/local expens­es, any amount would be real­ly appre­ci­at­ed.

    More info:

    Quinn Nor­ton is a writer who likes to hang out in the dead end alleys
    and rough neigh­bor­hood of the Inter­net, where bad things can hap­pen to
    defense­less lit­tle pack­ets.

    They are also places were new free­doms and poet­ries are born, and run
    riot over the net­work. She start­ed study­ing hack­ers in 1995, after a
    wast­ed youth of Usenet and BBS­ing.

    These days, Quinn is a jour­nal­ist, pub­lished in Wired, The Atlantic,
    Max­i­mum PC, and more. She cov­ers sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, copy­right law,
    robot­ics, body mod­i­fi­ca­tion, and med­i­cine, but no mat­ter how many times
    she tries to leave, she always comes back to hack­ers.

    Select­ed writ­ings and talks by Quinn Nor­ton:



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