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  • Агляды і маніторынгі
  • Рэкамендацыі па бяспецы калег

    Residency for Belarusian photographers (Riga, deadline: 23 November)

    ISSP in cooperation with Anne-Marie & Gustaf Ander Centre for Media Studies at SSE Riga is offering a funded residency for two Belarusian photographers/photojournalists during the period January - June 2021.  

    The pro­gramme is par­tic­u­lar­ly tar­get­ed at those who have been cov­er­ing the recent civ­il unrest in Belarus and offers a pos­si­bil­i­ty to imple­ment an artis­tic project, work on a per­son­al archive, net­work with local pro­fes­sion­als or just take a much-need­ed rest for a peri­od of up to 40 days.

    ​Time peri­od: Jan­u­ary — June 2021
    Dura­tion of stay: 1 month stay at the ISSP Riga Res­i­den­cy + 10 days stay at the sea­side guest house for the peri­od of self-iso­la­tion.
    NB! The stay at the ISSP Res­i­den­cy is planned for a full cal­en­dar month (1st to last date of the month); the self-iso­la­tion stay at the guest house will start 10 days before. The appli­cants can indi­cate their pre­ferred months of stay in the appli­ca­tion.

    We offer:
    — 1 month stay at the ISSP res­i­den­cy apart­ment in the cen­ter of Riga (the 3‑bedroom apart­ment is shared with 2 oth­er artists). For more infor­ma­tion on the ISSP Riga Res­i­den­cy, see here
    — 10 day stay at a guest house by the sea dur­ing the peri­od of self-iso­la­tion;
    — up to 250 EUR to cov­er trans­porta­tion costs (fuel & car insur­ance);
    — assis­tance with visa and logis­tics in coop­er­a­tion with Cen­tre for Media Stud­ies at SSE Riga; 
    — local sup­port by mem­bers of the ISSP team and con­tacts with local pho­tog­ra­phy and arts com­mu­ni­ty;
    — a pos­si­bil­i­ty to use the library and extra equip­ment at the ISSP premis­es;
    — a pos­si­bil­i­ty to meet with the local com­mu­ni­ty at an artist talk or oth­er pub­lic event.

    Par­tic­i­pants are respon­si­ble for: 
    Organ­is­ing their trans­port to Latvia, food and per­son­al expens­es dur­ing the stay. 

    Who can apply?
    Photographers/photojournalists cur­rent­ly resid­ing and work­ing in Belarus. The res­i­den­cy is par­tic­u­lar­ly tar­get­ed at those cov­er­ing the recent civ­il unrest in Belarus.
    Two par­tic­i­pants will be cho­sen based on their appli­ca­tions. 

    To apply, please fill in this APPLICATION FORM 

    Appli­ca­tion dead­line: 23 Novem­ber 2020.  

    In case of ques­tions, con­tact us at residencies@issp.lv

    We are grate­ful to the Anne-Marie & Gustaf Ander Cen­tre for Media Stud­ies at SSE Riga for their sup­port to this ini­tia­tive. 
    Graph­ic design: Pavel Kedzich

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