Конкурс на поддержку серии видео и аудио, чтобы дать возможность белорусам, украинцам и россиянам рассказать свои истории (заявки до 7 августа)
Целью этого специального конкурса является поддержка производства серии видео и аудио, чтобы дать возможность белорусам, украинцам и россиянам рассказать свои истории.
Deadline Sun, 07/08/2022 — 11:59 PM
Organizations Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Council of Ministers’ Baltic offices
For more than 25 years, the Nordic Council of Ministers has supported joint activities with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Northwest Russia, Belarus and the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, as well as self-governing regions of Faroe Islands, Greenland, the Åland Islands. The co-operation had the aim to contribute to building trust, mutual understanding and prosperous development shared on common values between the countries in the region.
These structures of cooperation drastically changed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The NCM cooperation with Russia cannot continue as before and will rely only on activities outside the Russian territory and with partners with relation to Russia who are not affiliated with Russian authorities, including public universities.
A better future needs to be built by creating a common narrative of peace and respect. As the official channels are closed for now, the bridges of understanding and connection must be kept on people-to-people level. There is a need to communicate to the people of the Nordics and Baltics about the situation for and the points of view of the people from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus now living in these countries.
The Nordic Council of Ministers expects to support the production of a series of videos and audios to provide a platform for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian people to tell their stories.
Overall aim
To create new ways of understanding Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and the Baltics in relation to the Nordics by providing a platform for people to tell their stories — where they come from, why they came to the Nordics, what brings them together, what unites us all, etc.
Apart from improved understanding the NCM information initiative should also contribute to the future of the Nordic region that is a green, competitive, and socially sustainable macro-region as well as a safe and stable grounds for the understanding and peace for the rest of the world.
Ideas for the envisaged output of the information initiative
1. A series of video talks
An English-language series of 5 episodes of approximately 30 minutes I suggested to create a picture of a segment of Russian-speaking population in the Nordics and Baltics. It shall contribute to a better understanding of this segment of the population, primarily directed to the interested audience of the Nordic and Baltic countries. The idea is to set up cultural and personal landmarks for understanding and communication with groups in the countries of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine for the future.
Kindly suggest thematics to be covered and categories of persons to be include in the series of videos.
2. A series of Special Edition podcasts under the “Nordic Talks”
Each audio podcast is a 30-min talk recorded in English in a form of a podcast under the “Nordic Talks” brand. As presentation form and content wise woud slightly differ from the mainstream “Nordic Talks” type of podcasts. Three English language podcasts under the “Special Edition” headline are envisaged. For instance, two representatives of currently conflicted nations could be invited to meet for a moderated talk in a studio.
Kindly suggest thematics to be covered and categories of persons to be include in the podcast.
3. Communication
Series of videos
The videos should be hosted at the NCM server or similar.
Series of audio podcasts
The target groups for the podcast series are first and foremost the interested public in the Nordic and Baltic countries, secondly the segments of the populations with specific connection to Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and thirdly policy makers, working with this area.
Distribution of the audio podcasts shall be linked to the Nordic Talks platform as a separate series in the format of special edition dedicated to the urgency of the present-day situation.
In general
Dissemination can be carried out through several communication channels in the Nordic and Baltic region
Kindly suggest ways, media, events and platforms etc. for dissemination of the videos and podcasts.
Apply for funds
Deadline for submission of application: 7 August 2022 at 23.59 Danish time
Project start: September 2022.
Project end: November 2023
Applications should be send to julost@norden.org
Kindly fill in the Project-description-form and the budget forms
Project description and budget forms
Read more about funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers
In the budget form’s file 2, please specify cost for each of the three components. The total budget maximum is 1,0 MDKK.
In the Project description form or as a separate annex, kindly:
Describe methodology and sketch time frame for each of the three components
Suggest working titles for the two series of information
Give references to previously accomplished similar type of work
Describe need for input from the NCM Secretariat and suggest modes of interaction
Indicate staff members and possible partners involved; include summary CVs