• Актуальнае
  • Медыяправа
  • Карыснае
  • Кірункі і кампаніі
  • Агляды і маніторынгі
  • Рэкамендацыі па бяспецы калег

    Journalists can apply for grants to investigate cross-border illicit financial flows (deadline is 15st November)

    Journalismfund.eu offers working grants for mixed teams of African, Asian and European journalists to investigate cross-border illicit financial flows, tax abuse and corruption in Africa, Asia and Europe. Grants are awarded to journalists solely by Journalismfund.eu, with no input or oversight at any stage from the consortium as a whole.

    Only inter­con­ti­nen­tal jour­nal­ist teams con­sist­ing of at least one African, one Asian and/or one Euro­pean jour­nal­ist are eli­gi­ble to apply. Each team must con­sist of jour­nal­ists from at least two con­ti­nents.

    In order to be eli­gi­ble for appli­ca­tion, the teams have to ensure that their sto­ry will be pub­lished in at least two con­ti­nents. There­fore, dur­ing the appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure they will be asked to upload let­ters of intent for pub­li­ca­tion from media orga­ni­za­tions in at least two con­ti­nents.

    The focus should be on illic­it finan­cial flows.


    There will be 10 appli­ca­tion rounds over the three years. The total amount per call is around 50.000 euro. The first dead­line will be on the 15th of July. Under­neath an approx­i­mate appli­ca­tion time­line.

    • June 15 – Online appli­ca­tions open

    • July 15th – DEADLINE of the first appli­ca­tion round at 11.59 pm Brus­sels time

    • 30th Sep­tem­ber – DEADLINE of the sec­ond appli­ca­tion round at 11.59 pm Brus­sels time

    • 15th Novem­ber – DEADLINE of third appli­ca­tion round at 11.59 pm Brus­sels time

    Fur­ther dead­lines for 2019 and 2020 to fol­low.

    If you are inter­est­ed, please apply here

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