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    Chevening Scholarships (applications until 2 November)

    Applications for 2022/2023 Chevening Scholarships are now open.

    Chevening is the UK government’s inter­na­tion­al schol­ar­ships pro­gramme. Fund­ed by the For­eign, Com­mon­wealth and Devel­op­ment Office and part­ner organ­i­sa­tions, we offer awards to study in the UK for one year on a ful­ly fund­ed master’s degree course.

    Suc­cess­ful Chevening can­di­dates come from a diverse range of coun­tries and back­grounds, but they all demon­strate the pas­sion, vision and skills need­ed to shape a bet­ter world.

    There are many ben­e­fits to being select­ed, includ­ing ful­ly fund­ed tuition fees, access to some of the best qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion in the world, exclu­sive net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and the chance to explore the UK’s diverse cul­ture.

    At the end of your schol­ar­ship, you’ll join our diverse com­mu­ni­ty of over 50,000 glob­al alum­ni. You’ll return home equipped with the knowl­edge and net­works to bring your ideas to life and thrive in your career.

    It doesn’t mat­ter where you come from. It’s where you’re going that counts.


    Required documents

    All Chevening appli­cants must sub­mit their edu­ca­tion doc­u­ments, ref­er­ences, and one uncon­di­tion­al UK uni­ver­si­ty offer. The dead­lines for these required doc­u­ments are in the Chevening appli­ca­tion time­line. Use the ‘update my appli­ca­tion’ but­ton above to upload them.

    If you are con­di­tion­al­ly select­ed for a Chevening Schol­ar­ship, it is essen­tial that you sub­mit these doc­u­ments in order to remain in the process.

    Selection updates and timelines

    You will receive email updates about your appli­ca­tion sta­tus at each step of the selec­tion process. You can also check your sta­tus on the online appli­ca­tion sys­tem. Log in using your reg­is­tra­tion details. Take a look at the Chevening appli­ca­tion time­line and our FAQs for a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the upcom­ing stages of the selec­tion process.


    Due to the large num­ber of appli­ca­tions received each year, we are unable to pro­vide indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion sta­tus updates or feed­back to unsuc­cess­ful appli­cants. Please do not con­tact your British embassy or high com­mis­sion with appli­ca­tion enquiries.

    Application guidance

    You may wish to review our guid­ance to help you with the next steps.

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