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    Apply for a European cross-border grant by 20 November

    Investigative journalists from across Europe who are planning a transnational collaborative story are invited to apply for a working grant. Teams consisting of at least two journalists from different European countries can apply for research grants for a cross-border story until Monday 20 November 2017 at 11.59 pm Brussels time. This is the only remaining deadline in 2017 for the cross-border grants.


    The aim of Journalismfund.eu is to pro­mote qual­i­ty jour­nal­ism in Europe by giv­ing jour­nal­ists the chance to car­ry out jour­nal­is­tic research projects. 

    Journalismfund.eu will sup­port pro­fes­sion­al jour­nal­ists, who have good ideas for cross-bor­der research and for research on Euro­pean affairs. The sto­ries must be rel­e­vant for Euro­pean tar­get groups.

    The project should be one that, in prin­ci­ple, could not be realised in this for­mat with­in the remit of reg­u­lar jour­nal­ism – a project that can include cross-bor­der research, net­work­ing between col­leagues, estab­lished and inno­v­a­tive inves­tiga­tive meth­ods and that is at the same time orig­i­nal, inno­v­a­tive and inten­sive.

    Journalismfund.eu sup­ports costs relat­ed to jour­nal­is­tic research for all media. This can include trav­el, trans­la­tion, access to pay-data­bas­es or sim­ply time to research. We do not sup­port fixed costs such as office costs, invest­ments such as cam­eras or com­put­ers or pro­duc­tion costs.

    More infor­ma­tion…

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