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  • Intex-Press reporter detained after interrogation

    An Intex-Press Publishing House staff member was detained for 72 hours.

    On 15 Feb­ru­ary, the police came to the Intex-Press office with a search war­rant. The search result­ed in the seizure of sys­tem units, cam­eras, and lap­tops, includ­ing the per­son­al lap­tops of Intex-Press jour­nal­ists, as well as com­put­er equip­ment of the account­ing and adver­tis­ing depart­ments.

    The search war­rant read that the local police depart­ment reviewed con­tent pub­lished by Intex-Press and ordered to exam­ine if it com­plied with the mass media law. The Intex-Press YouTube chan­nel was list­ed as a sus­pi­cious resource. The media out­let post­ed mul­ti­ple videos with opin­ions that peo­ple shared with reporters on the streets.

    The cor­re­spon­dent who used to inter­view peo­ple was sum­moned to Baranavichy City Police Depart­ment at 10 a.m. on 16 Feb­ru­ary. It became known lat­er that she was detained for 72 hours. The grounds were not dis­closed.

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