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  • Special council to train journalists to be created at BSU

    A special council uniting the heads of the state-run mass media will be created at the Belarusian State University, BelTA reports. They will supervise the training of journalists at the educational institution, Aliaksandr Lukashenka stated at a meeting with research and teaching staff on 9 February.

    Lukashen­ka drew par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to the BSU jour­nal­ism depart­ment and said that jour­nal­ists should be ori­ent­ed on “real life”.

    “We intend to have our jour­nal­ism face real life. Jour­nal­ists should be guid­ed to see what will hap­pen tomor­row, the day after tomor­row and so on. It is very impor­tant that this process is bilat­er­al,” he said.

    Accord­ing to Lukashen­ka, the issue of train­ing jour­nal­ists should be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of media man­agers. For this pur­pose, a spe­cial coun­cil will be cre­at­ed at BSU to include them in the process. Lukashen­ka point­ed out that jour­nal­ists should pri­mar­i­ly be patri­ots.

    “The coun­cil mem­bers will thus observe your jour­nal­ists and teach­ers, con­vey the cru­cial needs in the field of jour­nal­ism, and assist in all mat­ters. That’s why the cre­ation of this sym­bio­sis was com­mis­sioned. We have to work with them to make sure they are patri­ots of our coun­try above all else,” Lukashen­ka stressed.

    Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashen­ka explained that he pays such atten­tion to the media because it is a bat­tle­ground.

    “It so hap­pens that the media and jour­nal­ists are now at the fore­front of this strug­gle. The media – from the Inter­net to the tra­di­tion­al print­ed media – is a bat­tle­field. With­out fight­ers – reli­able, capa­ble, head­strong, intel­li­gent – we will not win this war,” Lukashen­ka shared his con­cern.

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