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  • Iryna Slaunikava, went on trial on charges of leading an extremist group

    on June 23, a Belarusian journalist in the southeastern city of Homel. Iryna Slaunikava, went on trial on charges of leading an extremist group and organizing activities that disrupt social order.

    The charges also stemmed from her taking part in mass protests that were sparked by the disputed presidential election.

    Slau­nika­va was first arrest­ed along with her hus­band Alyak­san­dr Loy­ka in late Octo­ber. The cou­ple was sen­tenced to 30 days in jail on charges of dis­trib­ut­ing extrem­ist mate­ri­als and minor hooli­gan­ism.

    After serv­ing their jail terms, Slau­nika­va was hit with the new charges for which she went on tri­al on June 23. If con­vict­ed, she may face up to sev­en years in prison. Loy­ka was not arrest­ed a sec­ond time.

    In pow­er since 1994, Lukashen­ka, 67, has tight­ened his grip on the coun­try since the 2020 elec­tion by arrest­ing — some­times vio­lent­ly — tens of thou­sands of peo­ple. Fear­ing for their safe­ty, most oppo­si­tion mem­bers have been forced to flee the coun­try.

    The West has refused to rec­og­nize the results of the elec­tion and does not con­sid­er Lukashen­ka to be the coun­try’s legit­i­mate leader. Many coun­tries have imposed sev­er­al rounds of sanc­tions against his regime in response to the sup­pres­sion of dis­sent in the coun­try.

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