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  • Prosecutor’s Office sends BelaPAN case to court

    The case against journalists Andrei Aliaksandrau and Iryna Zlobina, as well as BelaPAN editor-in-chief and director Iryna Leushyna and former agency director Dzmitry Navazhylau, has been sent to court by the Minsk Prosecutor’s Office.

    Accord­ing to the Pros­e­cu­tor General’s Office, they are charged with:

    - assis­tance to some 260 peo­ple in par­tic­i­pa­tion in protests by pay­ing their fines and oth­er deten­tion-relat­ed bills (Ali­ak­san­drau, Zlobi­na) (Part 2 of Arti­cle 342);

    - assis­tance to the By_help Foun­da­tion in activ­i­ties aimed at harm­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty (Ali­ak­san­drau, Zlobi­na) (Part 1 of Arti­cle 356);

    - cre­at­ing “a group of cit­i­zens con­sist­ing of Bela­PAN employ­ees and oth­er peo­ple who car­ried out extrem­ist activ­i­ties in 2020–2021” in the form of “dis­sem­i­nat­ing mate­ri­als with signs of extrem­ism”, as well as “man­age­ment of such for­ma­tion” (Ali­ak­san­drau, Navazhy­lau, Leushy­na) (Part 1 of Arti­cle 361–1 of the Crim­i­nal Code);

    - eva­sion of the tax­es of ZAO Bela­PAN (dam­age amount­ing to some $140,000) (Ali­ak­san­drau, Navazhy­lau) (Part 2 of Arti­cle 243 of the Crim­i­nal Code).

    Repressions against journalists in Belarus, 2022 (chart)

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