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  • Nasha Niva declared “extremist formation”

    The Nasha Niva newspaper has been published since 1906 (modern version – since 1991), now it is an online media outlet with popular social media pages.

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus informed that Nasha Niva was recognized as an extremist formation:

    “The group of citizens from the Sarodzichy private association (the owner of Nasha Niva) united through online resources, including social media and messengers was recognized an extremist formation.”

    Nasha Niva is the old­est Belaru­sian pub­li­ca­tion, its his­to­ry dates back to 23 Novem­ber 1906. The first 42 issues were pub­lished in Belaru­sian Cyril­lic and Latin alpha­bets. The pub­li­ca­tion of the news­pa­per was stopped in 1915 due to World War II – as Ger­man troops were approach­ing Vil­nius.

    In 1991, Nasha Niva was revived in Vil­nius under the edi­tor­ship of Siarhei Dubavets. In 1996, the newspaper’s office moved to Min­sk. In June 2018, Nasha Niva stopped pub­lish­ing a paper ver­sion, how­ev­er, two months lat­er an illus­trat­ed his­tor­i­cal mag­a­zine was issued.

    Bel­sat TV, Bela­PAN and RFE/RL  Belarus media out­lets were already rec­og­nized as extrem­ist for­ma­tions.

    32 media rep­re­sen­ta­tives are in cap­tiv­i­ty in Belarus.

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