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  • Horrible testimony of political prisoner Dziadok in court: smothered with a pillow to give out passwords

    on July 1, the Minsk city court continued to hear the case of Mikalai Dziadok. He is charged under three articles of the Criminal Code but pleads not guilty. Today Dziadok testified in court.

    Mikola Dziadok is an author in Novy Chas, blogger, and activist of the anarchist movement. Dziadok was detained on the night of November 11, 2020 by the officers of GUBOPiK (Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption) and Interior Ministry in a country house in the town of Sasnovy.

    The following charges were pressed against him:

    Article 342 of the Criminal Code — Organizing and preparing activities that breach public order or active participation in them;
     Article 361 of the Criminal Code — calling to actions aimed at causing damage to the national security of Belarus;
     and Article 295 of the Criminal Code — illegal actions in relation to firearms, ammunition and explosives

    «I have lived in the town of Sas­novy since June 2020, hav­ing left Min­sk where mass arrests were tak­ing place. 

    Regard­ing the charges under arti­cle 342: I did not par­tic­i­pate in march­es, as I was afraid I would be arrest­ed. With one excep­tion —  on August 23, my birth­day. It was a spon­ta­neous deci­sion. I went on my own. I did­n’t see police warn­ing peo­ple that they were break­ing the law.  I did not block pub­lic trans­port as the road had already been full of peo­ple, and there was no trans­port, —  Dzi­adok said. —  

    Regard­ing the charges under arti­cle 295: GUBOPiK offi­cers plant­ed the bot­tles with flam­ma­ble sub­stances on me. I looked in that cup­board ear­li­er, there were no bot­tles. Dur­ing my arrest, sev­en offi­cers burst through my doors and the bal­cony. First thing they asked me, where else I had cam­eras in the house: there was a dum­my cam­era on the bal­cony, remain­ing from the pre­vi­ous ten­ant. Then some offi­cers ran into dif­fer­ent rooms for about a minute. 

    Dur­ing the search, I said that the bot­tles were not mine. They had a strong unpleas­ant smell, and the wit­ness­es to the search noticed that, too.  Why would I keep that in the house, more­over, in a place where I eat?

    Lat­er, in the GUBOPiK office, I was forced to touch the bot­tles, spit on them, and they stuffed the bot­tle­necks in my mouth. Lat­er experts did­n’t find any of my fin­ger­prints on the bot­tles. I believe that GUBOPiK told them not to, to make me look like a liar when I talk about tor­ture.»

    Mikalai described the details about his deten­tion and tor­ture:

    «On Novem­ber 11 the secu­ri­ty offi­cers broke into the apart­ment through the bal­cony and the doors. I only had time to get up and close the lap­top lid, I did not resist them. They put me on the floor and hand­cuffed me right away. 

    There were three of them wore riot gear, and four were in plain clothes. A few of them went into dif­fer­ent cor­ners of the apart­ment. I could­n’t see what they were doing because I was lying face down on the floor. They imme­di­ate­ly began to beat me, they beat me for any attempt to move. One of them said, you know that you won’t get out of the cool­er, don’t you?

    I did­n’t tell them the pass­words to my lap­top, and they beat me for that. When I start­ed to scream, one offi­cer took a pil­low from the couch and pressed it against my head. I could­n’t breathe and tried to yell that I would give them the pass­words, but they did­n’t hear me through the pil­low. They kept the pil­low on my face for some time. When it was removed, I said that I for­got the pass­word in such a stress. They con­tin­ued to beat me.

    After I told them the pass­word, they did­n’t beat me for some time. GUBOPiK offi­cers com­ment­ed: «You thought you were in a safe place?» «You said pres­sure could be psy­cho­log­i­cal or phys­i­cal. Today you’ll get both», «So, Miko­la, you thought you man­aged to hide well? Should I piss on you or what?», «Now we’ll go to the for­est, take your clothes off and see what you sat­is­fy women with», «So, let’s go to Gestapo now.» As I under­stand by «Gestapo» they meant GUBOPiK main office. 

    Then they told me to stand up. They did­n’t let me look at their faces, and hit me when I raised my head. They said, if I com­plain to the wit­ness­es to the search, they would beat and humil­i­ate me all the way to Min­sk. If I am silent, our trip will be fine.

    Dur­ing the search, one of the offi­cers took wom­en’s dress­es out of the clos­et and tried to see how they would look on me ask­ing every time «Is it yours?» Oth­er offi­cers laughed.

    When they got to the bot­tles in the pres­ence of wit­ness­es, I said right away that they were not mine. One of the offi­cers said he would beat me even in front of the wit­ness­es. The wit­ness­es pre­tend­ed not to notice. The same offi­cer tried to hit me when the wit­ness­es did­n’t see us.

    I had a video cam­era, a tri­pod, a watch and a wal­let with about 1000 BYN: but they were not in the list of the things that they seized. The land­la­dy could not find them in the house either. I believe they were stolen by GUBOPiK offi­cers. I filed a com­plaint to the Inte­ri­or Min­istry’s Inter­nal Affairs Depart­ment.

    After the search and count­ing my mon­ey the offi­cers made a «still life» com­po­si­tion of my stuff: they laid out a knife, mon­ey, an anar­chist poster, a red and black flag, bot­tles with Molo­tov cock­tail, and took pic­tures of it all on their smart­phone. Then they let the wit­ness­es go.

    They put me with my face to the wall. From time to time they beat me on the head, back, or legs. I asked what they were beat­ing me for. One replied that I am a write off, and the oth­er said: «to get moral sat­is­fac­tion». Oth­ers joked and laughed.

    Then they stepped away for me not to hear them.  The offi­cers in plain clothes, by the way, were con­stant­ly call­ing and report­ing to their boss­es. After a short dis­cus­sion, they came back to me and said that they would record a video with me: «We will do it any­way, it’s up to you how painful it will be.» 

    Then they hit me, I hit my head against the wall and fell. 

    They asked if I would talk on video. I was silent. Then they sprayed tear gas in a small pantry and locked me in there.

    I could­n’t breathe and said I would say any­thing they want to. 

    They took me out­side, to the court­yard.  One held me from the back by the hand­cuffs, the oth­er one sprayed pep­per spray in my face. Four times.

    They brought me back to the apart­ment, and left alone for a minute, I guess, wait­ing for the max­i­mum effect of the pep­per spray and the tear gas. Then one of the offi­cers —  the oth­ers called him Inves­ti­ga­tor —  told me that if I say every­thing as they want me to they would let me wash my face. I said every­thing they told me to and they shoot the video with a smart­phone.

    Then they let me wash, and took off one of the hand­cuffs. While I was wash­ing my face, one of the offi­cers kept snap­ping his stun gun behind my back and asked if I knew what a dis­co dance is.

    Then they let me pack and get dressed. At this time, they did­n’t beat me, but humil­i­at­ed and mocked me. They even sug­gest­ed that I should make a sand­wich to take along, but I refused.

    They took me to Min­sk in a van, me sit­ting on the floor. On the way they did not beat me, but talked to me. They were say­ing that the major­i­ty vot­ed for Lukashenko, and those who said the oppo­site were liars. A young offi­cer said activists and blog­gers were the ones who cre­at­ed a volatile envi­ron­ment, and then won­dered why they got arrest­ed!

    We arrived in Min­sk at about 1 a.m. They took me to the GUBOPiK build­ing with a hood on my head, in the room they made me kneel fac­ing the wall. They asked for the pass­word to my hard dri­ve and said: «Miko­la, it’s going to hurt now.» 

    I asked to use the toi­let, and they let me, but returned me to a dif­fer­ent room. There were sev­er­al offi­cers, one had my lap­top. Lat­er he would give the orders: when to beat me, and when to stop.

    All offi­cers were masked, but still tried not to let me look them in the face.

    They laid me on the floor. An offi­cer in black with a baton entered the room, they called him «Hena». They asked for the pass­word to my hard dri­ve, I said that I did­n’t remem­ber it. They start­ed beat­ing me with batons: arms, but­tocks, back, calves. They threat­ened that they would hit me in the gen­i­tals and rape me with a baton, they said they would use stun gun on me and piss on me.

    After four or five ses­sions of beat­ing I told them the pass­word. But they entered it incor­rect­ly and start­ed beat­ing me again. 

    Dur­ing the beat­ing I screamed hard. At some point, some­one came up to the doors —  I guess it was a duty offi­cer, because oth­er­wise the build­ing seemed emp­ty. Offi­cer T*** (Dzi­adok gave the full last name, but we do not pub­lish it to avoid libel charges —  «NN») told him to f*ck off and said if that good man came again, he would beat him, too.

    Then they start­ed to demand my Telegram pass­word. I did­n’t remem­ber it, but told them where the file with a pass­word was. They beat me sev­er­al times dur­ing that time.

    They changed their tac­tics: now they first beat me, and then asked ques­tions. They noticed that I’m try­ing to avoid the blows —  and one of them start­ed to step with his foot on my face to pre­vent me from mov­ing while being beat­en.

    When they got access my Telegram account, then began to dis­cuss aloud what they should do with my chan­nel. They asked, how soon my col­leagues would cry foul over my dis­ap­pear­ance.  Then the offi­cer with my lap­top said he would write to my girl­friend that I was fine. And he did, he wrote her from my account, in Belaru­sian, in my style.

    Then they beat me some more, for no rea­son. They tried to hit in the same place. One of them said he got tired after beat­ing me.  And returned to his desk say­ing «old age — no joy». The oth­ers laughed.

    I was threat­ened that if I did not say what they want­ed, after 6 am new GUBOPiK offi­cers would come and beat me all in turn. I asked why they beat me if I had already giv­en away all the infor­ma­tion they need. Their answer was: just because you are who you are.»

    Dur­ing Dzi­adok’s tes­ti­mo­ny one of the women in the audi­ence could not help qui­et­ly cry­ing. 

    Mikalai con­tin­ued:

    «Then offi­cer T*** brought bot­tles with [Molo­tov] cock­tail.  He ordered me to take them in my hands and squeeze them, spit on them, and stuffed the bot­tle­necks in my mouth. Then he packed the bot­tles in plas­tic bags.

    Anoth­er offi­cer con­tin­ued to work with my telegram, ask­ing about the peo­ple who we exchanged mes­sages with, and about oth­er chan­nels. He asked who of police offi­cers helped the pro­test­ers. Who funds the protests?

    He asked why I pub­lished the per­son­al infor­ma­tion about some police offi­cers? I said, for flag­ging their behav­ior.  They start­ed beat­ing me again.

    Then I was lift­ed up and giv­en some papers to sign with­out read­ing.

    Humil­i­a­tion con­tin­ued. One said, let’s piss on him! 

    They asked: So, Miko­la, do you want to livestream from here?

    T*** sug­gest­ed: «Let me sit on him, and you take a pic­ture of us!» But the oth­ers did not sup­port his idea.

    They put me near a red-green flag and ordered to apol­o­gize to the police offi­cers for pub­lish­ing their data. And to advise oth­ers not to do that. T *** said: say it the right way, and I will not beat you any­more. But anoth­er offi­cer in black added: I can’t promise that.

    Here T *** began to demand that I said to the cam­era, that I’m a schmuck and a scum­bag… »

    Here Judge Anas­ta­sia Pap­ko stopped the tes­ti­mo­ny. She asked dzi­adok not to use obscen­i­ties. 

    He replied, «But I only quote them! You need to tell that to the offi­cers.»

    «I did not say what they T*** demand­ed —  con­tin­ued Dzi­adok. —  T*** also want­ed me to cry on the video. He told me: «Shed a tear, or we let make you to! But I did not cry. 

    After shoot­ing a young offi­cer with the cam­era sug­gest­ed that they should make me remove the flag from the build­ing and burn it, and then change the time set­tings on my smart­phone and shoot the whole scene on video. I guess, to press some more charges against me. But oth­er offi­cers laughed and dis­missed his pro­pos­al.

    They laid me on the floor. They demand­ed my word of hon­or that I would nev­er say, or write any­thing bad about GUBOPiK offi­cers. They warned that if I told some­one what hap­pened here, they would vis­it me in the deten­tion cen­ter and every­thing that had already hap­pened would seem a joke to me.

    I agreed with every­thing.

    Offi­cers said that I would have to leave the coun­try, as there would be no life for me here.  They also said that I’d get 7–9 years in jail, and only in the best case sce­nario, if I co-oper­ate with the inves­ti­ga­tion. And if I com­plain about what hap­pened here, they would press charges under arti­cle 411 («dis­obey­ing the prison admin­is­tra­tion» — «NN»), there would be no life for me in jail, and I will be «turned out».

    T*** said: «There are inmates who coop­er­ate with us, you know it from your pre­vi­ous jail expe­ri­ence.  If you open your mouth about our staff, I will come to your jail and per­son­al­ly kill you with a baton, and then drown you in the shit hole. You chose the wrong ene­mies, no sense to fight us.»

    They asked again what I was going to tell the deten­tion cen­ter admin­is­tra­tion about the injuries. I replied that I would say that I had fall­en.

    Then they took me to Akrestsi­na jail. In the car, I start­ed shak­ing. One of the offi­cers asked what was wrong, and began to wor­ry that I could throw up in the car. «He’s got jim-jams, can’t you see?» — said anoth­er offi­cer. 

    The car clock showed 5:24 am. 

    The dri­ver once again remind­ed me to keep silent about every­thing that had hap­pened. He said if I com­plain, or tell my lawyer or the court —  I would nev­er come out. 

    In the deten­tion cen­ter, the GUBOPiK offi­cer left only after my exam­i­na­tion —  to make sure that I did not com­plain. 

    I would just add: from the moment of my release in 2015, I was arrest­ed 4 times, and tried for extrem­ist mate­ri­als 9 times —  that is, for my posts on social media.

    I con­sid­er every­thing I described above as a strug­gle against the free­dom of speech and per­son­al revenge by GUBOPiK staff.

    Lat­er I learned that my fam­i­ly and friends receive threats. After my arrest they received anony­mous mes­sages that the worst thing would hap­pen to me in jail, I will be «turned out», and that they would kill me and say I had heart prob­lems. 

    Despite it all, I do not plead guilty. My activ­i­ties are and will be of edu­ca­tion­al nature, and my goal is to build free soci­ety.»

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