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  • TUT.BY, BelaPAN, Onliner, and Belarusians and Market journalists covering weekend protests receive 13–15 days of jail

    Their cases were heard by Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk. On October 17 and 18, Daria Spevak (Onliner), Vadzim Zamirousk and Usevalad Zarubin (Belapan and TUT.by), as well as Artsiom Mayorau (Belarusians and Market) were detained and "taken to the police department for an ID check".


    Three hours lat­er, the police drew up admin­is­tra­tive pro­to­cols under under Arti­cle 23.34 (par­tic­i­pa­tion in unau­tho­rized events) and 23.4 (Dis­obey­ing a legal order or request of an offi­cial in the per­for­mance of their offi­cial duties) of the Admin­is­tra­tive code. The court sen­tenced Daria Spe­vak to 13 days of jail, and Vadz­im Zamirous­ki and Use­val­ad Zaru­bin — to 15 days of jail. These admin­is­tra­tive cas­es were heard by judge Ale­na Zhyvit­sa.

    «At about 1 p.m., sev­er­al minibus­es with peo­ple in black arrived. I believe, it was the riot police. Two men came up to me, took me by the elbows, and led me to the car. No one intro­duced them­selves — they just said: «Give me the phone,» the jour­nal­ist told the court. — (…) I was doing my job. No one explained me the rea­sons for my deten­tion, and I did­n’t ask. I heard the com­mand: «Get the Press», but we know that hap­pened before. I thought that was to check my press card, as they had done it before.

    Dari­a’s deten­tion was caught on video.

    Daria Spe­vak’s lawyer drew atten­tion to the fact that the pro­to­col of her ques­tion­ing was not ful­ly com­plet­ed, and there were con­tra­dict­ing facts in the pro­to­col of her deten­tion.

    – My client was per­form­ing her pro­fes­sion­al duties. She had a press badge that also allows one to attend mass events.

    The lawyer pro­posed to send the case mate­ri­als for revi­sion. After read­ing the pro­to­cols of ques­tion­ing wit­ness­es — police offi­cers Simonchyk and Kush­n­er — who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the deten­tion, the judge made her deci­sion right away: to find Daria Spe­vak guilty and pun­ish her with sev­en days of jail under arti­cle 23.34 and six days — under arti­cle 23.4. In total, Daria will stay behind the bars for 13 days.

    Zamirous­ki explained in court that he was clear­ly marked as a jour­nal­ist. «I was wear­ing a turquoise jack­et and a large press ID around my neck. I also had two cam­eras, and it was quite obvi­ous that I was a jour­nal­ist. They did­n’t use force on me.»

    Вадим Замировский

    How­ev­er, the court found Vadz­im Zamirous­ki guilty on both counts and sen­tenced him to 15 days (10 days for par­tic­i­pat­ing in an unau­tho­rized ral­ly and 5 days for dis­obe­di­ence to police).

    TUT.BY and Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Use­val­ad Zaru­bin also received 15 days of jail. He was detained while cov­er­ing a stu­dent ral­ly on Octo­ber 17.

    The court found him guilty under two arti­cles: 23.34 (par­tic­i­pa­tion in unau­tho­rized events) and 23.4 (Dis­obey­ing a law­ful order or request of an offi­cial in the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties).

    Art­siom May­orau, Belaru­sians and Mar­ket, was also found guilty of par­tic­i­pat­ing in an unau­tho­rized mass event and dis­obey­ing a police offi­cer. Judge Zhyvit­sa sen­tenced him to 15 days of jail.

    There were obvi­ous con­tra­dic­tions in the mate­ri­als his case. Accord­ing to one report, on Octo­ber 18, at 2.30, he did not com­ply with the police offi­cer’s request to leave the place where pub­lic order was vio­lat­ed. But accord­ing to anoth­er pro­to­col, at this time he was already detained dur­ing a mass event! The judge still gave him 15 days of jail.

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