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  • EFJ demands release of 15 detained journalists in Belarus

    15 journalists were arrested for covering protests against the presidential inauguration, electoral fraud and violence. Most of these journalists have been released, but 15 journalists are still in prison. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) demands their release.

    Pic­ture cred­it: Stringer / AFP

    On 26 and 27 Sep­tem­ber, 15 jour­nal­ists cov­er­ing mass demon­stra­tions in Belarus were arrest­ed in Min­sk, Grod­no and Mahilou. Most were released, but four of them, includ­ing Russ­ian jour­nal­ist Anas­ta­sia Alshan­skaya, 26 years old, remain in prison. They join the list of eleven oth­er jour­nal­ists who were still in deten­tion.

    The EFJ joins its Belaru­sian affil­i­ate, the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists (BAJ), in demand­ing the imme­di­ate release of these 15 jour­nal­ists:

    1. Siarhei Shchurko
    2. Yauhen Merkis
    3. Mak­sim Nest­serkau
    4. Mikalai Mam­inau
    5. Andrei Yakimush
    6. Zmitser Salauy­ou
    7. Ales Lubianchuk
    8. Dzia­n­is Han­charen­ka
    9. Pavel Pat­a­pau
    10. Maria Hryts
    11. Ale­na Dounar
    12. Anas­ta­sia Alshan­skaya
    13. Uladz­imir Lapt­se­vich
    14. Artur Pagasian
    15. Ihar Remzik

    Accord­ing to BAJ mon­i­tor­ing, since the fraud­u­lent pres­i­den­tial elec­tions of 9 August, 206 jour­nal­ists have been detained in Belarus just for doing their job.

    The EFJ and BAJ call on the OSCE and the Euro­pean Union, which has not yet tak­en any sanc­tions, to pun­ish those respon­si­ble for press free­dom vio­la­tions in Belarus.



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