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  • Homel Court to Try Director for Documentary

    Alexander Huseu, district inspector of Homel Central police department, informed freelance journalist Maria Bulavinskaya about the report he had made on her under Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code for production of a documentary "Homeless city" without accreditation.

    The doc­u­men­tary was aired by Bel­sat TV chan­nel that broad­casts from the ter­ri­to­ry of Poland. The Bel­sat web­site indi­cates Bulavin­skaya as the film direc­tor.

    «I refused to meet with the dis­trict inspec­tor just on the basis of a text mes­sages, more­over, that he had my name mis­spelled.  On the phone, I referred to Arti­cle 27 of the Con­sti­tu­tion that guar­an­tees cit­i­zens the right not to tes­ti­fy against them­selves or close fam­i­ly mem­bers,» — Maria told BAJ mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice.

    She adds, the police has nev­er pros­e­cut­ed any­one for mak­ing a doc­u­men­tary on demo­li­tion of wood­en build­ings in the city. The movie fea­tures Andrei Ski­dan, artist, con­ser­va­tion pro­fes­sion­al and car­pen­ter, who works to save carved dec­o­ra­tion of the wood­en hous­es in the his­toric part of the city that are to be pulled down. The devel­op­ers were to demol­ish the house that is said to be the last home to Iry­na Paske­vich, Princess and patroness of art. Homel activists put a lot of effort into sav­ing the house which is now dis­as­sem­bled and wait­ing for ren­o­va­tion at a new loca­tion in Homel down­town.

    The police sent the admin­is­tra­tive report of mis­con­duct to Maria Bulavin­skaya’s home address.

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