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  • Journalist Volha Czajczyc arrested for doing her job

    The journalist Volha Czajczyc had to spend several hours in the Baraulyany police department.

    From the very start, the police did not like that Vol­ha was record­ing in the police build­ing. The jour­nal­ist told Belsat.eu what hap­pened next:

    “When I was detained, I was mak­ing a video, film­ing the police. When we entered the police sta­tion, the dis­trict police offi­cer of the Baraulyany police depart­ment, Dzmit­ry Smyk, asked me to turn off the cam­era. I said that the police sta­tion is not a closed facil­i­ty, it is a pub­lic place, I have the right to recird there. Then he force­ful­ly took the phone from me and delet­ed all the videos of the police that I shot. I was left in the cor­ri­dor, no actions were car­ried out with me for a long time. They brought papers to acquaint me with my rights. I asked them to speak Belaru­sian with me, to which they declared that we have two state lan­guages, and they have the right to speak any of them. Then they left. No one kept me there by force, I had no right to leave the depart­ment, but I had the right to walk inside of it.

    I went to the head of the police to com­plain that my rights were being vio­lat­ed, and that the police were oblig­ed to speak with me in the state lan­guage I want­ed. To which he began to yell at me and kicked me out.

    It was Kanstantsin Zay­ats — the head of the Baraulyany police depart­ment. Only after three hours had passed, they drew up a report about the arti­cle about Kura­p­aty and released me”.

    The jour­nal­ist Vol­ha Czjczyc was detained in Kura­p­aty and tak­en to the police depart­ment to draw up a report for “record­ing video with­out accred­i­ta­tion” on Octo­ber 14.

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