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  • Books from Radio Svaboda Collection Seized on Border

    Scientist Viktar Korbut had sent some books from his personal collection to Belarus, to return them home; customs’ office seized them for examination concerning extremist contents.


    On Feb­ru­ary 21, the scientist’s friend Alexan­der was stopped on bor­der point Damacha­va. He was detained for 24 hours. The cus­toms’ office said they did not have the books on their list, so they had to seize them for exam­i­na­tion. These books were most­ly from the col­lec­tion of the Radio Svabo­da: three books by Siarhei Navum­chyk, Majstroun­ya by Siarhei Dubavets, Zhy­va­ja Mova by Yuras Bush­li­ak­ou, Viar­tanne Nat­sy­janal­ista by Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashuk, and some oth­er, 15 in total.

    “Every book was a sin­gle copy and stamped with “ex lib­ris Vik­tar Kor­but”. They belong to me. I often ask some­body to bring me my books from Belarus to War­saw and send some­thing back… There is no extrem­ism there – these sci­ence books, mem­oirs.”

    Vik­tar Kor­but con­demned the actions say­ing such sit­u­a­tion cre­ates obsta­cles for work. He thinks that for­mal­ly the cus­toms’ office should have returned the books because they were not on the extrem­ism list.

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