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  • Professional Ethics: Challenges and Solutions

    An international conference on journalistic professional ethics is taking place in Minsk.

    The two-day con­fer­ence gath­ered rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, the Belaru­sian Union of Jour­nal­ists, the FOJO Media Insti­tute, as well as experts from Swe­den, Ukraine, Geor­gia, Kaza­khstan, Tajik­istan, Arme­nia, and Rus­sia. Also, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Belaru­sian Min­is­ter of Infor­ma­tion and President’s Admin­is­tra­tion were invit­ed.

    The top­ics of the con­fer­ence are cen­sor­ship on the Inter­net, stan­dards of jour­nal­ism in times of con­flict, copy­right, self-reg­u­la­tion of the media, and some oth­er. The sec­ond day of the con­fer­ence will be ded­i­cat­ed to jour­nal­ist ethics in Post-Sovi­et coun­tries.


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