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  • Andrei Bastunets Elected Chairperson of BAJ

    This is a unanimous decision taken by delegates of the IX Congress of BAJ on April 24 in Minsk. Zhanna Litvina, who had performed the functions for almost 20 years, announced she would not suggest her candidacy for the post.

    Zhan­na Litv­ina rec­om­mend­ed Andrei Bas­tunets as a per­son who is «secu­ri­ty, con­science of the orga­ni­za­tion» . His can­di­da­cy was approved by the Coun­cil of BAJ.

    «I under­stand well what kind of work it is. Per­haps, from aside it looks like a chair­per­son­’s func­tion is rep­re­sen­ta­tive. But, being beside her, I under­stand that this is not so. Thank her she has done the work for so many years. In my turn, I will try my best to keep us afloat», said Andrei Bas­tunets.

    Deputy chair­per­sons were elect­ed: Ali­na Suravets, Svi­at­lana Kalink­i­na, Ali­ak­san­dr Staryke­vich, Mikhail Yanchuk.

    The Board of BAJ was elect­ed: in addi­tion to the chair and deputy chairs, the Board includes elect­ed Zhan­na Litv­ina, Zoya Khrut­skaya (Mal­adzech­na), Yuras Kar­manau, Aleh Aheyeu, Iry­na Vidana­va, Andrei Ali­ak­san­drau, Aliona Sharam­et, Tat­siana Mel­nichuk, Vol­ha Khvoin, Ali­ak­san­dr Kok­tysh.

    Also oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tive and exec­u­tive bod­ies were elect­ed, the Coun­cil of BAJ (39 peo­ple), the con­trol and revi­sion com­mis­sion. Sev­en mem­bers were elect­ed to form the com­mis­sion on ethics: Ana­tol Huli­ayeu, Andrzei Poc­zobut, Mary­na Zahorskaya, Tat­siana Revi­a­ka, Siarhei Vahanau, Valer Kar­bale­vich, Dzmit­ry Pad­biarezs­ki.

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